Pictures of my Delaware Blue Cockeral **More pics added**

When you say 'little man' are you implying that roosters are smaller than hens? Because if you are, then that confirms my suspected rooster...

He is bigger than the Delaware Blue hens, and about as tall as my cochin roo, but not nearly as big around and fluffy. I guess he really isn't but he is my baby!

"Could you please add me to your list for eggs in the spring?

Absolutely!! I have 7 girls and him..plenty of eggs..if they ever start laying!! He is getting prettier by the day! He is now growing really pretty golden-ish brown feathers all down his head and neck!
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Hi, I use to live in Delaware, Selbyville. Off route 113. He sure is a handsome roo.
I am not sure yet! They are about the age where they should start anytime now. I know they lay small to medium sized white eggs. There is no information anywhere online about them other than they are the state bird of Delaware. I got them from the University of Delaware, but the department that deals with them in the spring doesn't know much about them. I am learning as I go with this breed. I know that only about 50% of the babies turn out blue, the others are white or black. When I went and picked them up almost all I had to choose from were blues. I have one black one, you can see her in the middle of that group of blues. I am going to start working on how to produce more blues. I am going outside now to get some pictures of the girls, the shades of blue vary...very pretty girls!

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