Pigeon Talk

:goodpost: Welcome to BYC and the pigeon thread.
Are all your pigeons Utility grade???
Do you also have chickens??
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :welcome
I have a few pairs of regular white homers that i use as foster parents. Yes We also have chickens. Silver laced wyandottes, black australorp and icelandic chickens for eggs.
I am looking to add an Icelandic to my flock of pets. Was close to getting one 2 years ago, but it fell through. I always add 2 at a time, and the person only had one Ice, available. 200 mile round trip just did not justify that.
Icelandics are winter hardy. Great from where we are in upstte NY. They forage well and still continue to lay eggs in the winter. Btw, Where are you from?
Welcome... its nice to have ya with us!:frow
Beautiful birds! :love:love:love

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