Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

Here is my sparkling Golden-Laced Wyandotte cockerel, Red. (I am VERY imaginative on names) You can see my Rouen drake escaping the picture. He is quite convinced he is a rooster as well.

Here is my father's white Plymouth Rock cockerel , Napoleon. I started to call him Whitey, but my brother thought it was too unoriginal.

Red and Napoleon are such good friends. They were from the same hatch. Napoleon is the boss, and is very good to his many girls. Red is still getting used to being a cock. He is a little awkward with the ladies, while Napoleon knows how to please the hens. Interestingly, Red is the one to raise the alarm whenever a hawk flies overhead or the cat walks by. Both are very tame, fortunatly, and will be good daddies, hopefully. Enjoy!!

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