Post your Duck names!


Due to the rarity of my fiance and I agreeing on names, mainly because he likes the more ridiculous sounding ones, we finally agreed to name these two Han and Chewy. We are both big Star Wars fans and figured since we do not know if they will female or male, might as well have fun with it. The White Pekin is Han and the Rouen is Chewy.
My ducks names are Heidi and Harrison.
Well I'm hoping they are correct gender anyway.
Before i had a duck called Hilary but then died because of loneliness.
So I'm just sticking to one letter.
Some of my friends have names that rhyme
B would be a good letter too

My ducks will be named
khaki Campbells: Ree, Mary Morstan
Black Runner: Jasper
Magpies: A.B (Alton Brown), Anne, and Cheri

This is Echo - as in "ducks quacks don't echo"
And Zola - meaning quiet in Zulu. They definetly live up to their name sakes!
Aflack - Pekin (of course)
Winchester (Khaki female)
Sir Duckworth (WH drake)
Lady Waddletail (WF female)
Smudge Underwriter (Cayuga female)
Crackers Quackers ( Pekin female)
Fire Fawn (Fawn & white Runner female)
Smoke Frecklefoot (Blue Runner female)
Sir Dudley (Pekin drake) - adopted
Lil' Darlin' (Pekin female) - adopted
Whisper - Snowy Mallard female
Waddles - No one has any clue what he is other than a brat
Lemmy (Kilmister) - black Runner (not sure on gender yet)
Lita (Ford) - Khaki Campbell, feathering out female but was going to be Jake if a male

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