Raising feeder insects

Blaptica dubia, costs slightly more money but the nutritional benefit is twice as much as mealworms. (Which require almost no effort) I spend 5 minutes a week tending to my dubia roach colony. During that time I throw whatever isn't needing from the fridge in there, along with the roachchow and chicken layer. That's it. Cleanings are required once a year depending on the size of the colony/bin.
Any suggestions on how to sustain the roaches without any "outside" resources? Thanks for the reply!
Well, just ordered my b. dupia from the roach guy, his site stated they ship on mondays, so probably mid week, next week I'll have them.
Never thought in a million years I would BUY roaches and deliberately bring them into the house!!!!!!
My family is convinced I've lost my mind!!!!
He may have great roaches, don't know haven't recieved them yet, but can't say much for his customer service. Never have got a response from my e-mail, sent on Monday about shipping questions. There is no other way to contact them except e-mail.
I haven't attempted it, but in all the research I did trying to decide which insects to raise the crickets quickly went to the bottom of the list. From what I read they bite, smell, are noisy, and often escape, are hard to contain, habitat needs constant cleaning and attention giving them plenty of opportunity to escape, and cannibilize their young if left in the same container. But none of this in personal knowledge, just from reading.
That's all about right. Well, maybe not the biting part (I never got bit). They really are a pain and the worst part is the smell. I did like the sound though. It made me feel like I was in the country at night. If you don't like that sound, you'd definitely hate a colony of crickets.
Just got an e-mail back from the roach guy, my e-mail had been redirected to his spam file. He did contact me back.
Yes, no and don't.

Anyway, they are difficult to raise. They smell terrible and they are very hard to keep alive. I did have a batch hatch, but they died not too long after they hatched. They drowned easily too, so you have to be careful with the way you get moisture to them. They need constant care. JMHO.

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