Rhode island? Ocean state, anyone else out there?

hi! greetings from bristol! i was also wondering if any ro-dilandas were out there...
and here you are! what kind of chicks do you have? my hubby and i are not sure exactly what kind were getting but we used to have o.e.b.s, they were great!
. are your chickens outside regularly. we have rabbits that we got in nov. and they live in my bedroom
. im worried my chickens will wind up in the house too. i have no self control and want to hold and cuddle my animals as much as they will allow
. they shouldve just let me have a cat!
look whos laughing now! if zoning laws would permit id get a goat! do you have your friends for pets, eggs or meat? were gonna try for all three but once i name it or birth it im not sure i want to eat it
Hi there Raggles,
I am in RI... Johnston. We have Silkies who just had 4 babies two weeks ago. We are very new at this but had researched for two years before we moved on anything.

We bought a wonderful coop and added a run to it as we had some surprising predators SHOW UP after we got chickens. The silkies do fine with no heat and have a lot of bedding in the winter months. I LOVE this breed although I might be bias as they are our first :) They are able to be carried and hand fed (even our Roo!).

We do not eat them as they are our pets and Silkies have NO meat as they are bantum but the eggs are great! We have two hens and they lay every other day so we get a half dozen a week which is perfect for our family!

I wish we could have a goat also... although my husband is glad the zoning doesn't allow :)
Hi, from Coventry. I've got the following:
-2 RIRs (Ruth and Roxy)
-2 Plymouth Barred Rocks (Penelope and Peggy)
-2 Golden Comets (Cinammon and Candy)
-2 White Leghorns (Lucy and Luna)

They are all two weeks old. Just finished the coop last weekend.
Hi. I live in Providence and have 4 chickens in a small coop in our back yard. We live on the East Side so not your typical place to find chickens! I have 2 Polish hens (although I am starting to suspect one is male), 1 Cochin female and 1 Rhode Island Red female.
New soon-to-be chicken owner in West Greenwich here!

Have six Red Star chicks showing up the week of April 7th.

Coop is under construction and run is in the planning stage....excited to get started!
Hello from Chepachet! I moved up here 20 years ago so I could have all the critters I wanted, pretty crazy isn't it?! Right now we have 1 White Rock rooster and hen, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Black Australorp, 2 Red Star and my 2 little adorable Nigerian Dwarf goats. Also, cats, fish and a giant drooly Mastiff.
Transplanted Arizona person here. New to Barrington and very excited that I am picking up my Marans and Americauna eggs on Saturday. A little over 3 weeks and I will be back in the chick biz!!!
Now to getting the run finished (how about started) before chicks hatch. They grow so fast I know if I don't start now then I'll end up having them in the garage way longer than need be.

I'm not sure about predator issues here but when I was in Tucson I had my coop and run pretty much bullet proof. And a good thing too. Pack of dogs running at night dug under my fence but couldn't get through the run to the chickens.

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