Rhode Island Red ?’s

May 9, 2020
Clark County, KY
Baby chick ordering time again. Same questions come to mind each time. Already have picked out sone Barred Rocks and Dominiques. I’ve never had any Rhode Island Red per se, but have had New Hampshires and like them pretty well. My understanding is that the production strains sold by hatcheries are very similar between the two.
Our New Hampshires are good layers, calm and don’t seem to be too aggressive towards other chickens.
I like the New Hampshires but just on a preference think I’d prefer the darker red of the RIR. Are they similar in disposition? Do the RIRs get lighter colored as the laying season progresses like NH’s do?
Would there be much difference between temperaments of ISA Browns and RIRs?
They're pretty similar. RIRs stay that deep red color all year, they are pretty reliable at laying an average size chicken egg ( close to 300 eggs yearly ), and they're a pretty docile and calm breed of chicken, but personalities can always differ with each chicken, they can withstand colder and warmer temperatures, they forage around for food and don't consume as much food as other larger/meat birds do, they can be meat birds, and they're pretty common to find! :) Hope that helps!
Real RIRs are always welcome in my yard. like IvysAnimal said they hold that deep rich color all year. Back in the '80s the New Hampshires in spite of their egg laying abilities always looked unfinished with blotchy coloring. I do have a bias for solid one color birds but did enjoy the Barred Rocks I had and would get them again. I avoid hybrids like the plague.

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