Rooster Chat

My BSL cockerels will hump anything including each other. They are little horndogs. They are almost 30 weeks old and are getting better but my pullets still run from them. They are not gentlemen but really rough. The are quiet a bit bigger than my production red pullets and even my one BSL pullet. The girls take off in the morning running until they lose the boys. Then the guys turn on each other.
My son's two little stray mutts he rescued got out and killed one of my cockerels and we had to run and rescue two more birds before we caught them. If I had a gun I would shoot them. This is the second bird they've killed. I am so mad at these dogs and the people that dumped them out on our road. The pound here is full and I am at a loss what to do with them. I keep taking care of them because I hate to see a dog or any animal miss treated, but I can't keep letting them kill my chickens either. I told my husband I'm ready to hit them in the head with a hammer but that's probably against the law.
My son's two little stray mutts he rescued got out and killed one of my cockerels and we had to run and rescue two more birds before we caught them. If I had a gun I would shoot them. This is the second bird they've killed. I am so mad at these dogs and the people that dumped them out on our road. The pound here is full and I am at a loss what to do with them. I keep taking care of them because I hate to see a dog or any animal miss treated, but I can't keep letting them kill my chickens either. I told my husband I'm ready to hit them in the head with a hammer but that's probably against the law.

Have you, your son or anyone else in your family bothered to try training them to not kill the chickens? How else are they going to know? I would say with your feeling toward them, they'd be better off elsewhere or put down.
If you have a could keep the birds in until you find a place for the dogs....or tie the dogs up. I know lots of people think it's cruel to tie a dog up....or to kennel them....but if they have shelter from the elements, access to plentiful clean water, good food and are exercised, meaning frequent walks, supervised off lead runs, swimming, frizbee,stick toss and fetching,obedience dog at a time,training doesn't work very well with two young dogs....its to distracting for the dogs and the trainer...also it's difficult enough to train one pup to leave the birds alone....let alone two youngsters.
It always amazed me how people can can blame a dog for acting like a dog.

We have 5 dogs and 36 chickens. Not one chicken has lost its life to our canine companions. Why? We know that instinctively our dogs will look at our chickens as being prey and we do our best to protect both parties from one another. We do not free range our birds. Even if the dogs were not running free I would not let them out of their secured pen due to the number of natural predators that are around us. They are kept in a large, net covered run with a hot wire running around it. Trust me, those dogs fear that hot wire more than anything else and do not approach the run.

I'm sorry your rooster was killed. It is time to face reality. You need to either pen or tie up the dogs, pen your chickens in a safe run and coop or find a new home for the poor little mutts that were dumped off on you. I also agree with bobbie-j you can also try to train the dogs to leave the chickens alone. Frankly, I count on our dogs to patrol the area around our coop and run and keep predators at bay. And yes, hitting an animal in the head with a hammer is more than likely considered animal abuse. If you MUST dispose of an unwanted and unloved animal, have the good graces to take the animal to a vet and have it put down in a painless, compassionate manner. It is not the dogs fault that they were dumped by idiots. We obtained 4 of our dogs by them being dumped on us. Best animals we have ever owned. Once again, sorry you lost your chickens. Hopefully things will work out for all involved.
My son's two little stray mutts he rescued got out and killed one of my cockerels and we had to run and rescue two more birds before we caught them. If I had a gun I would shoot them. This is the second bird they've killed. I am so mad at these dogs and the people that dumped them out on our road. The pound here is full and I am at a loss what to do with them. I keep taking care of them because I hate to see a dog or any animal miss treated, but I can't keep letting them kill my chickens either. I told my husband I'm ready to hit them in the head with a hammer but that's probably against the law.
I did have the dogs penned up and I have been trying to give the dogs away ever since my son brought the dogs home. My son let the dogs out AFTER the chickens were put up for the night. I told him after about 20 minutes to lock them back up and he told me he did. I never let them loose when my chickens are loose, not on purpose anyway. Especially when I already know they are chicken killers. I stated "they got out". I didn't even know the dogs were out! I am sick about this situation. I feel responsible enough without getting berated for this. I come here thinking maybe someone can help with advice. I feel especially bad since I just now found one of my missing pullets dead, and since I have another pullet missing, I have to assume it is dead and just haven't been found yet.

As far as training them I have tried and they are taken on frequent walks and play with my sons. My husband likes them because they are good watchdogs, barking whenever someone shows up (sometimes). I never wanted these dogs. We just had a dog that we love disappear, I think someone got her and have a little Chihuahua so I'm not a dog hater, I love dogs, just not these dogs.
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I did have the dogs penned up and I have been trying to give the dogs away ever since my son brought the dogs home. My son let the dogs out AFTER the chickens were put up for the night. I told him after about 20 minutes to lock them back up and he told me he did. I never let them loose when my chickens are loose, not on purpose anyway. Especially when I already know they are chicken killers. I stated "they got out". I didn't even know the dogs were out! I am sick about this situation. I feel responsible enough without getting berated for this. I come here thinking maybe someone can help with advice. I feel especially bad since I just now found one of my missing pullets dead, and since I have another pullet missing, I have to assume it is dead and just haven't been found yet. 

As far as training them I have tried and they are taken on frequent walks and play with my sons. My husband likes them because they are good watchdogs, barking whenever someone shows up (sometimes). I never wanted these dogs. We just had a dog that we love disappear, I think someone got her and have a little Chihuahua so I'm not a dog hater, I love dogs, just not these dogs.

Sorry about your lost chickens. I do understand your frustration. I also get that accidents happen. Other than keeping the dogs and chickens separated as you are doing now, and attempting to work with them, I don't know what else you can do other than take them to the pound since you haven't found anyone to take them.
Sorry about your lost chickens. I do understand your frustration. I also get that accidents happen. Other than keeping the dogs and chickens separated as you are doing now, and attempting to work with them, I don't know what else you can do other than take them to the pound since you haven't found anyone to take them.

There is major difference between getting an animal, especially a dog, because it is what you want and having one thrust on you because someone else just dumped it. In the first case you have gotten what you want, often a breed that suits you and in the other you have no choice. Have you checked to see if there are any rescue groups? Sometimes these groups will work at a distance to foster and rehome an animal.

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