Saipan Jungle Fowl Thread


Does he look like a mongrel Siapan ?? The comb has a couple of scrapping wounds from getting into it with another rooster (Wyandotte) but it looks like the flat comb.

I thought I would introduce myself a bit more. I have a small farm in North Central Florida where I raise Florida Cracker cattle, Florida Cracker sheep, Cotton Patch geese, True Saipan Junglefowl, and Marans chickens. The cattle and sheep date back to the Spanish introduction in the 1500's, while the geese date back to the 1700's. I love history, and that love of history shows in the breeds I raise. I am a life member of the SPPA.

I am really impressed as I understand the effort required to preserve one breed of endangered animals much less five. I notice you do not mention a breed of dog. Do you run Partin Curs or Black Mouth Curs or something entirely different.

Also would you be interested in selling some the no-comb and no-wattle saipan chicks. Do you have a phone number or address for contact.

First off, over the past week or so I tried numerous times to upload a couple of Saipan photos I had on my computer, but each time I was unable to do so. This evening I was finally able to upload one photo of some adult Saipans I raised last year. I was not able to upload the photo any larger. Although I am not aiming for size, this cock was 32 inches tall. He is one of the pea-combed birds I gave to my brother in Central Florida.

The biggest difficulty this year seems to be getting light colored hens. Most pullets hatched are darker than I would have liked. Just as the Saipans I raised in the past, these Saipans are showing some variability in color. One of my goals is to hatch out 1,000 chicks over the next few years. I was told years ago, that to better understand the genetics of a breed, you need to hatch out 1,000 birds. By mating light colored hens with different colored cocks, I am already getting unusual colors. My favorite bird so far does not look like much like a Saipan.

I can't help but wonder if It would be possible to "recreate" the ancestor of the Saipan Junglefowl. Stranger things have happened in my breeding programs. In the past I have worked with many different breeds. I could tell you about unusual geese and chickens that "popped up" in my breeding programs, but you wouldn't believe them.

As far as selling any of my birds, I am not at that point yet.

I have been "processing" young Saipans for the freezer. The meat is delicious, with a bit of a game bird taste. I sectioned the carcasses as I processed them so that they would fit more easily in the already full freezer. Forty-five birds done, and more to do. Hoping to process twenty more this coming week.

Concerning the breed of dog I have: I have two one-year old Great Pyrenees to guard and protect my livestock.

Hopefully, I can post photos of some of this year's Saipans later on.

Take care,


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