sebright thread

Well this other one is barely even two weeks old yet so it'll be a bit of a wait, but I don't remember my older sebright feathering out this quick, it's already got about two inches of wingspan! Oh and they're both silver sebrights. Here's an image of the older one. She still has a little but of feathering out to do though at least I hope. Both of them are from a hatchery and both were not specifically ordered
She is pretty. You are lucky to get two sebrites as packing material. I also have some buff laced sebrites that are 4.5 weeks old. I am thinking I can guess the sexes now but they would still be maybes. You do have a little wait. If you start seeing multiple little bumps on the forehead you can start thinking boy. If you see only 1 little bump and the rest smooth then probably a girl.

That is what I see so far on mine. Right now I think I have 3 boys and 3 girls in the buff laced color.
HAhaha I thought you meant golden laced so I did a search for buff laced and they're gorgeous I had no idea there were more than two colors for this breed! I really do hope this second ones a boy. I think it's very likely since a lost of people get boys more often than girls for mystery birds.
I have no idea about broodiness.

Only what I have read is that they are not inclined to sit and are really not that productive as layers.

As a result they are not real easy to breed and raise.

I actually had 4 chicks and lost 2 of them. An acquaintance who raises seramas successfully said she got some chicks and lost all of them.

If you want to raise them, you probably want to have incubator and a good brooding setup.
I am really anxious for these guys to feather out. Right now they look like someone hit them with the ugly stick. They are raggedy as can be.

I have been told they can take a really long time to look decent.
Hmm well I'm sure glad I met you I would be clueless I spent hours looking them up and some said they were really prone to broodiness and some said they hardly ever lay I'm willing to bet they aren't very broody. The incubating shouldn't be difficult. I already have everything. I started raising quail recently and they never go broody. I hatched my first batch about two weeks ago. I would love to see a pic of your buff laced though. I sure hope my sebright feathers out a little better. She looks more mottled than laced to me.
I will post when they start looking better.

I have quail too. Texas A&M and brown courtunix. They are not likely to sit. I know of one person who said theirs sit, but she had a hidden dark place to sit. I personally think they are too close to wild to sit in captivity.

Mine has some mottled feathers also. From what I have read, laced birds sometimes are not really "developed" until after a molt or two. I do not know from experience. None of my laced birds have molted yet. That is a long wait.

I have two GLW and one does not have enough edging around the feathers and the other has real thick edge around the feathers. They are pretty but miss that desired SOP. What's really funny is that they are both ditzy. One walks past 3 nice buckets and digs a hole in the dirt to lay her egg in and the other goes across the fence to the neighbor's yard and can't figure out how to get back home.

That is OK , I just like to look at them and gather the eggs. They are all such fun!
Haha I have Texas A&M too! I also have some GL cochins and none of my laced birds have molted either. I hate this wait! I think the A&M quail are TOO domesticated to sit. Since they were developed for egg production and meat. I think all of their wild and natural instincts were bred out of them. I do like mine they're just too fat to fly away and it's adorably sad.
that is true, they just lay eggs and get fat. Mine cannot fly either. They never seem to get friendly even though my g-daughter and I are at the cages a lot.

I have a hodge-podge of laying hens and several types of bantam chicks I recently ordered from a hatchery. I like bantams and wanted more color to just watch in the yard, small eggs are ok with me.

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