Show off your Peas!

@herinanto The barring on those feathers wont really tell you if its a male or female as both sexes can have them until around 18'ish months of age. The feathers you need to watch will be the ones that grow above the tail feathers which in your birds case have been pulled out or yet to grow in hard to tell the actual ages of your birds by the pics. I enclosed a pic of a young male at 7 months of age that I took today, notice the long green fringe/strings hanging off the longest feather? That is what young males feathers will look like at that age. Hens will have a small amount of fringe but they will be shorter and the overall feathers will usually curve to the left or right of her body but will never get that long at that age. I'll try and catch a young hen tomorrow for more pics. I hope this helps.

Gerald Barker

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Hey there everybody. I haven't posted here in a while, partly because I've been busy and partly because we did have some drama happen with the peas. I did end up getting a high percentage Spalding cock like I wanted - and he was absolutely stunning. But about a month after we got him, my mother did not fully latch the aviary door behind her when going in to feed the peas, and he flew right over her head and took off. We live in relatively thick woods so he disappeared very very quickly. We found the feather pile about 5 days later, presumably a coyote.

We were very disheartened (he was such a beautiful bird), but we have since improved our aviary - it's still not as large as I would like, but it now has two separate lobes and two doors so what happened before cannot happen again.

This guy is our new male. I'm honestly very surprised we managed to find another pea as beautiful as the last but we did. We've learned from our mistakes and will definitely not be letting this happen again. We are also due to start construction on an even bigger, better aviary, and one a little bit further away from the house as well, now that we have a mature male around again.

Hey there everybody. I haven't posted here in a while, partly because I've been busy and partly because we did have some drama happen with the peas. I did end up getting a high percentage Spalding cock like I wanted - and he was absolutely stunning. But about a month after we got him, my mother did not fully latch the aviary door behind her when going in to feed the peas, and he flew right over her head and took off. We live in relatively thick woods so he disappeared very very quickly. We found the feather pile about 5 days later, presumably a coyote.

We were very disheartened (he was such a beautiful bird), but we have since improved our aviary - it's still not as large as I would like, but it now has two separate lobes and two doors so what happened before cannot happen again.

This guy is our new male. I'm honestly very surprised we managed to find another pea as beautiful as the last but we did. We've learned from our mistakes and will definitely not be letting this happen again. We are also due to start construction on an even bigger, better aviary, and one a little bit further away from the house as well, now that we have a mature male around again.
He's gorgeous!


Hey there everybody. I haven't posted here in a while, partly because I've been busy and partly because we did have some drama happen with the peas. I did end up getting a high percentage Spalding cock like I wanted - and he was absolutely stunning. But about a month after we got him, my mother did not fully latch the aviary door behind her when going in to feed the peas, and he flew right over her head and took off. We live in relatively thick woods so he disappeared very very quickly. We found the feather pile about 5 days later, presumably a coyote.

We were very disheartened (he was such a beautiful bird), but we have since improved our aviary - it's still not as large as I would like, but it now has two separate lobes and two doors so what happened before cannot happen again.

This guy is our new male. I'm honestly very surprised we managed to find another pea as beautiful as the last but we did. We've learned from our mistakes and will definitely not be letting this happen again. We are also due to start construction on an even bigger, better aviary, and one a little bit further away from the house as well, now that we have a mature male around again.

Very nice HP indeed and sorry for your loss. Im glad to see it worked out. Keep us posted, we've been missing you.

Gerald Barker
@QueenMisha So sorry about your loss, but congrats on the new boy!

I hope you don't mind if I make a suggestion based on my own California experience?
I'm not sure what your exact aviary situation is, of course, but I'm guessing you need some more predator-proofing on that pen.

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