Show off your Peas!

I love it when they all get into the displaying mode! You can almost read their moods sometimes. There are many times I wish I had my camera with me when I saw something funny going on.

Two years ago I had a cottonmouth get caught up in the chicken wire of their cage, I put it to sleep and they all were very curious...walking circles around the dead snake I placed in the yard (just to see what they would do). No noise made but the body language said it all. They walked in circles around it for quite some time, eye-balling it and making those neck struts.

I have decided me and the peas are going to the park. It rained again so I can't mow the lawn. I am gathering the stuff together for a picnic and will supply the pics later....they are very demanding right now...can't wait to see them at the park!
I met a mother and her family...what a day that was!

What a fun outing it was!
I just bought a pair of purple silver-pied yesterday.

The new purple silver-pied yearling cock with my yearling Imperator cock and purple hen in their new pen. Roof peaks out at 12 ft. Roost is 6 ft. tall.

It is so hot in Texas that I have a wading pool that I add a jug of frozen water to daily. The new pair is ignoring their watermelon so far! Concrete chunks are left over from construction. This pen was finished yesterday.

We are so excited about getting the pair of purple silver-pied's yesterday! The hen looks bedraggled because she just got out of breeding season. She is 5 and the cock is a yearling. Hope to get Phase II flight pen built when it cools off this fall.

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