Show off your Peas!

Oh m goodness, how beautiful / magnificent. I want to purchase ~ 4 female blue chicks. Can you give me any suggestions how to locate such? Would love to have a male like yours but fear my neighbors (we all live on 5 acre wooded lots) would not be pleased with the calls of a male.
Thank you, Martha
when ya get old like me you don't do any more extra work than you have to so you can spend more time doing fun things instead.

The babies love the weeds out of the gardens.

all mine

The whites are getting soo pretty.

I just know this is a boy

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*sigh* jealous.... ; ) LOL

Made 4 Herb Cakes for all my babies today...that was fun. I'm letting them cool off before I serve them to everyone. I hope the peachicks like them. They haven't touched their forage to come!

By the by, pretty pics zaz. Your place is lovely. Maybe sometime I can drop in for a visit. We are both in Texas ya know. ; )

~ Aspen
when ya get old like me you don't do any more extra work than you have to so you can spend more time doing fun things instead.

The babies love the weeds out of the gardens.

all mine

The whites are getting soo pretty.

I just know this is a boy

*sigh* jealous.... ; ) LOL

Made 4 Herb Cakes for all my babies today...that was fun. I'm letting them cool off before I serve them to everyone. I hope the peachicks like them. They haven't touched their forage to come!

By the by, pretty pics zaz. Your place is lovely. Maybe sometime I can drop in for a visit. We are both in Texas ya know. ; )

~ Aspen
Maybe if you broke bits of the forage cakes off and put in their feed bowl they would find out they are really good. Sometimes they are as picky as old men, don't want to try something new. It's amazing when they had peafowl treats thread going what some people's peas would eat was opposite of others. Mine wouldn't touch lettuce once they had watermelon and tomatoes. Other peoples wouldn't eat red things.

I'm really liking the looks and the idea of being able to move the dog panels around.
I've tore into my new/old incubator. I am never this lucky.
I think it is going to work perfect and is all there. We blew it out with an air pig. The components look great. Started it up outside and the fan sounds great, in a few minutes it heated up 10 degrees. Rather cold out so didn't let run very long. A fellow that has been restoring them says he is drooling over my find. It even has a back up thermostat with an alarm that shuts it down if it gets to hot. It has a bit of surface rust but all the egg rollers in the 6 trays work. I think a bit of steal wool on the surface rust. A little sanding and tongue oil and I will be ready to go int the spring. It even still has the metal corner protectors on the outside. All the vents work perfect. I will add some pictures.
The gentleman sent me a manual said it is unheard of to get a water tray and hygrometer with these old units.

I thought a larger incubator would be a lot more complicated than they are. It has 6 trays way bigger than I would need for a whole years hatch.
I'm so anxious for spring and winter hasn't really started.
Isn't that the truth! LOL : D

I may try and hand feed them some of my homemade cake and see if they like it any better. They are so spoiled. ; )

They really are super easy to move around and I highly recommend them.

~ Aspen
Maybe if you broke bits of the forage cakes off and put in their feed bowl they would find out they are really good. Sometimes they are as picky as old men, don't want to try something new. It's amazing when they had peafowl treats thread going what some people's peas would eat was opposite of others. Mine wouldn't touch lettuce once they had watermelon and tomatoes. Other peoples wouldn't eat red things.

I'm really liking the looks and the idea of being able to move the dog panels around.
What a lovely project. : ) You are going to have fun next spring w/ that toy! ; ) I have three Sportsmans and a HB that I long to fill up come spring time. : )

~ Aspen
I've tore into my new/old incubator. I am never this lucky.
I think it is going to work perfect and is all there. We blew it out with an air pig. The components look great. Started it up outside and the fan sounds great, in a few minutes it heated up 10 degrees. Rather cold out so didn't let run very long. A fellow that has been restoring them says he is drooling over my find. It even has a back up thermostat with an alarm that shuts it down if it gets to hot. It has a bit of surface rust but all the egg rollers in the 6 trays work. I think a bit of steal wool on the surface rust. A little sanding and tongue oil and I will be ready to go int the spring. It even still has the metal corner protectors on the outside. All the vents work perfect. I will add some pictures.
The gentleman sent me a manual said it is unheard of to get a water tray and hygrometer with these old units.

I thought a larger incubator would be a lot more complicated than they are. It has 6 trays way bigger than I would need for a whole years hatch.
I'm so anxious for spring and winter hasn't really started.
LiLzoo the first thing you need to get and keep on hand are those thermastats, they need to be replaced every couple years and it is the first thing to go or malfunction in an incubator , plus they corrode pretty easily if left wher it is damp at any time.
Just thought i would mention it in case you were not familiar with Baters like this.

You could test it out on your chicken eggs ya know.

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