Show off your Peas!

ok so here's how our saturday went....
rainy cloudy morning, but then the rain stopped and clouds started departing... soooo we let the peas out :) 5.5 months old all

right away rose went to the shop. - to hide from Audrey...

So Houdina got caught.....

but she didn't mind after she realized we were taking pictures, here this is my good side.

and make sure to get my color,

oh and dont forget my beautiful ever changing crest. (almost all the long skinny feathers have now been replaced with normal crest feathers - this kid just can't make up his mind!)

Then Georgia had to have her pictures taken. she's such a pretty hen :)

Georgia has lots of pretty green feathers :)

Good Georgia, she let us get a good picture of her back.
Now all this time Cleopatra and Mark Anthony have stayed in the coop so I thought I'd get a couple of them. Here Cleo's running to defend MA. Help that ladies in here again! She's very protective of him.

ok now that i'm safe what are you doing??

MA - i'm just standing here, you can't see me.

what are you doing?! leave him alone!!!
ok i can take a hint. so i'm back out to our original group of peas.

now - heres Georgias back. doesn't the frosting of the feathers and randome white feathers on the backs mean their white eyed?

so anyways we go in for lunch... but it doesn't take long....

Rose - hey i found em! Houdini - really?

yup there they are, but how do we get to them? Georgia - Hey -

Hey guys, i found a window.


And we found the little girl :)

Houdini - hey i can see myself, i am stunning. Georgia, yes you are :)

Rose, Hey take a pict of me. i'll sit still. Check out the green comming in on my crest and the blue/purple comming in on my neck.

Here's a good shot of the color on the back of my neck - pretty huh?

Hey... we're still waiting for you.. could you be done with lunch already???

If i kiss you will you come out and play?

Hey daddy's home with the dog, now you have to come out, haha.

And so we went out to chop and stack wood. Then to our amazement - YAY - Cleo and MA decided to join us :) - That or they like daddy better than me and will only come out when he's home... we'll have to check into this...

Further research was done with observation it was clear they only wanted to see daddy as they marched right past me and to daddy, he's to the left where they're looking. Brats!

Gerogia and Rose were on my side - lets go tell MA and Cleo they hurt moms feelings.

MA - Oh i didn't mean to... but i'm going inside - this outside world is scary as its our first time out. I'm taking this half naked chicken with me, she looks cold. (thats for you ZAZ!!!)
thats it for pictures, i was informed by my hubby i needed to put the camera down and work.... but they're soooo pretty!!!!

and i don't remember who originally did the photo stories but i loved them!
What a wonderful photo fix..Thank you for the wonderful photos and story also..

Oh and i have has several birds with frosting , but no white eyes turned up.
Here's my white guy, Wylie. :) Sorry the pics aren't great, they weren't outside when I went out there so I had to make him grumpy and go pick him up. Hopefully I can snap some good candid shots of them sometime soon.

These are the two that are left in our flock. We had an illness outbreak, and it seems to have run its course.

Man, these birds are fun when they're not sick!

This is George. I have no idea what kind of Peas we have. Any help would be great.

his is T.G., named after a good friend of mine (guy) who wanted a bird named after him. We named the most easily identifiable bird we had before we could sex them.

Anybody know how to upload directly via Flickr?
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I love all the pictures of your Peas, just got into them this summer and just got 5 more last month. Three of them are adults but 2 are babies. My question is how do you tame them? These are sort of flighty and scary to me. The 7 yr old male I just got, will take his greens form my hand but the others are still not sure of me. I have ben trying to touch the babies everytime I feed them, to teach them that its ok and I won't hurt them. Their size is a bit intimadating but I want to be friends. The guy I bought these last 3 from said not to turn my back on the male and one of the hens was mean. I haven't seen anything bad out of them yet. The only thing that has happened that startled me was....I went out to the Pea pens and had a bag of greens in my hand, I opend the door to the 7 yr old males area, and he flew right at me and would have gotten lose, if I hadn't of turned my back to him and he hit me. But all it was, he was wanting his greens and I had forgotten that he would eat out of your hand. So now he gets his greens and I am prepared. I just love the Peas, I am a proud Pea momma.
I love all the pictures of your Peas, just got into them this summer and just got 5 more last month. Three of them are adults but 2 are babies. My question is how do you tame them? These are sort of flighty and scary to me. The 7 yr old male I just got, will take his greens form my hand but the others are still not sure of me. I have ben trying to touch the babies everytime I feed them, to teach them that its ok and I won't hurt them. Their size is a bit intimadating but I want to be friends. The guy I bought these last 3 from said not to turn my back on the male and one of the hens was mean. I haven't seen anything bad out of them yet. The only thing that has happened that startled me was....I went out to the Pea pens and had a bag of greens in my hand, I opend the door to the 7 yr old males area, and he flew right at me and would have gotten lose, if I hadn't of turned my back to him and he hit me. But all it was, he was wanting his greens and I had forgotten that he would eat out of your hand. So now he gets his greens and I am prepared. I just love the Peas, I am a proud Pea momma.

Handle them A LOT. Everyday. Spend time with them feeding them from your hand. Temperment should be on the top of the list when you're purchasing anything that lives. For us, whether it's birds, horses, cows, or whatever; they aren't welcome here if they can't play nice with all of the residents. All including a 5 year old little boy.

The key to social animals is to be social with them. Be around them, and among them everyday. Be one of them in mind, and body. For us, it's the same whether it's a baby horse or a baby bird.
These are the two that are left in our flock. We had an illness outbreak, and it seems to have run its course.

Man, these birds are fun when they're not sick!

This is George. I have no idea what kind of Peas we have. Any help would  be great.

his is T.G., named after a good friend of mine (guy) who wanted a bird named after him. We named the most easily identifiable bird we had before we could sex them.

Anybody know how to upload directly via Flickr? 

NICE !!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup :love

Good job!

I wish I could get a pic of my white pea soaring through the air like that. :/

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