Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

getting fresh grass clippings
My RSL are like cats, cluck real loud when they want a treat and follow me around and peck my jeans, if I squat down ,Forget it; their on my lap, back and shoulders!! and my 2 leghorns too, I must spoil them lol

I'm with you on the leghorns too! People don't know what they are missing out with the leghorns. I love how friendly the sex links and leghorns are..

Here's my rsl Reba, and my leghorn Miss Piggy begging for me to come out and give
them treats. :)
Thanx warmheart!! They love it, I give them cabbage, clover, broccoli rabe leaves, rice, steak, hamburger, etc, lol theyre nuts!! sometimes all in one day lol, and they gobble up their crumble, I have 9 so far 4 are laying EVERY day 2 leghorns and 2 redstars , theyre about 20 weeks, the other Im sure are soon to follow all are soooo red in the face, and Cynthia I know it!! i have 7 red stars and 2 leghorns I think is a great mix they go well together and the leghorns are so cute and always are the first to greet me or check out what Im bringing them in my hand and love getting picked up ........ Im always dipping their bums in a bucket of water though cause they dirty up quick lol

Are red sex link and red star the same birds or are there differences? I got 6 red pullets from TSC a month ago- that's what the sign said and they look like red sex link. One of them is a rooster [white] ,don't know how that got passed me- guess because he was in the pullet bin . Kind of glad to have him really! Then I got 5 black sex links from Southern States.I know they are all pullets.
Here are a few pics of my5 week old RSL's. They grow so stinking fast! can't wait for the coop to be finished and to move them outdoors!



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