Silkie thread!

Bless you both. Maybe next Spring will be better for you.
im a newbe with silkies i just got my first three today two hens and a roo
black very sweet (so far) i just love them.. they look like they are in a mult so i will have to see later on what they look like all feathered out

oh i just love them so far all ways wanted some now i do
Martha Jenkins, Winchester, KY. I'm really pleased with my very first Silkies, lots of promise here! Out of 17 eggs that made it to lockdown (out of 20), 14 hatched. Shipped eggs.

Congrats!!! I had one young one like you and her name is Charlie because she had me fooled she was a boy because she developed her comb and wattles so much earlier than the other girls. Immediately after laying she went broody!

Thanks! Now I just have to figure out who laid it. I was in the run supervising an intergration of new Marans chicks to their flock. The Silkies are in a seperate pen within the main run. I heard some of the Silkies "talking", and looked over to see what was going on. There were 3 girls standing by the egg, cocking their heads, and very excitedly talking about this strange object that just appeared! It was quite comical!!
Gorgeous pair and fabulous photo!!

I was finally able to view the slide show of your silkies growing. It is fabulous! The settings were so nice & the chicks sooooo cute!!

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