Stella's Social Club

Okay, gotta go make a last check on feeders/waterers, collect the eggs and feed HIS sheep! I don't want it to turn hotter than the bowels of h___, but I want this darn mud to dry back out too.
Deb, I am finding I like you more and more - platonically speaking. You are just so compatible - except for the vanilla ice cream. I can handle that, I'm sure you prefer the best tasting brand of vanilla whatever that should be. But this works fine - we wouldn't steal each others ice cream - ta dah - we have a match!!

Maybe if we had ever had patterns on our tp I might have hung the rolls differently. We always had plain white sheets, think my mother must have heard prints could cause - allergies in bad places.

She was ever vigilant protecting us from real & imagined textile assaults.
I was raised on MW - when I was given a sandwich with Mayo, I thought I was in heaven. Have never looked back. Whipped cream frosting. Oh yeah! People without cats don't understand TP must be under. That way it goes flap pity-flap instead of unrolling when kitty decides to play with it. I, too, will change it to the correct down position. It made me nuts when I was a motel maid and had to put it on wrong, then fold the little flap into a triangle. Didn't make it right; just frou-frou'd the wrong. Milk chocolate under almost all situations. Dark with a good wine or dessert port. What's wrong with the whole egg? Haagen Daz is wonderful, yes, but my favorite ice cream is Ben & Jerry's "Everything But The ..." or "New York Super Chunk Fudge."
I like meatloaf Mary.

Linda - brings a smile to my face remembering the wad of tp on the floor from our cat.

Frosting - neither, cheesecake instead.
Chocolate - always milk
Ice cream - moose tracks
Deb, I am finding I like you more and more - platonically speaking. You are just so compatible - except for the vanilla ice cream. I can handle that, I'm sure you prefer the best tasting brand of vanilla whatever that should be. But this works fine - we wouldn't steal each others ice cream - ta dah - we have a match!!

Maybe if we had ever had patterns on our tp I might have hung the rolls differently. We always had plain white sheets, think my mother must have heard prints could cause - allergies in bad places.

She was ever vigilant protecting us from real & imagined textile assaults.

Vanilla is my favorite, although a good fruit ice cream (strawberry, peach, banana) & cinnamon, yum. My favorite is homemade. Made so rich you have to stop periodically to scrape the coating of butter off the roof of your mouth with your tongue
I went to a chocolate party once (brought the winning dish in fact - there goes that competitive streak) and I admitted to everyone that vanilla is my favorite flavor. I abhor chocolate ice cream, so you are safe.

My son and I were compatible at dinner when he was growing up, he only liked the white meat on the bird and I like the dark. And he wouldn't eat the skin. Give me all the skin and I don't need the meat.

I was amazed that my mom sprung for the printed TP. She was pretty frugal. She must have thought highly of her "......". I know the printed stuff was only around a short time. My sister and I always coveted Fizzy Drinks (remember those? I think we are all around the same age). My mom would NOT buy them for us and I think they were a nickel at the time. We had family friends that always had those, when we'd go to visit we would drink them until we popped. Fruity Alka Seltzer for kids

dessert port.

Give me a good glass of port and you can almost keep the chocolate.................of course I did say "almost".

Dang, think DH would notice if I open a bottle while he's gone? I'd say I could just drink the whole thing before he gets back on Saturday, but he'd see the bottle in the trash.
Gosh, I hadn't thought of these in ages........................and you can still buy them.

Of course I don't think they're a nickel anymore! Um nope, just found them $3.30 a pack. Think they still taste as good as I remember?

We were also fiends for the little wax bottle with a teaspoon of colored sugar water inside. Remember, they came in a little paperboard six-pack carton? I found those at a dollar store a couple of years ago and bought some for my sister. And Flicks in the cardboard tube with colored foil? Cr@p chocolate, but it was the only one we ever got. Dang, I'm going down candy memory lane.
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remember the plastic red lips, candy cigarettes - thank goodness I didn't get addicted, marshmallows in a cone made to look like ice cream - always stale but I loved then anyway. Sometimes
the bulk candy stores in shopping malls have some of the old but good stuff and darn if they aren't stale just like my childhood. Those colorful candy dots on narrow white paper, no matter how carefully you bit them off, you ended up eating mostly paper and very little candy. Boy, they sure ripped off kids' back in the day.'

My mom used to love Maryjanes - they'd yank out all my fillings so I gave them up easily .Burnt Peanuts ( had HARD candy coating) guaranteed a trip to the dentist. No wonder I switched to chocolate candy bars - left the hard and sticky candy to the old folks, they had dentures anyway
Give me a good glass of port and you can almost keep the chocolate.................of course I did say "almost".

Dang, think DH would notice if I open a bottle while he's gone?  I'd say I could just drink the whole thing before he gets back on Saturday, but he'd see the bottle in the trash.

What, no bottle tree in your yard? I put my wine/vodka/port bottles on mine. 'Course, if you don't already have some bottles on one, it might be kinda obvious. But just say you got the idea and had to start with SOMEthing.

Fizzies and PixyStix. Didn't hardly get either of 'em unless I was at a friend's house. Once I got a brainstorm when my mom and Granny were away for the day (did not happen often at all) and decided packaged Jello was exactly the same as the PixyStix. I even put the waxy bag and cardboard box IN THE TRASH.

Mom knew anyway.

Betcha know how. ;)
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I was so desperate for fizzies, I remember putting a Necco wafer in the bottom of a glass of water and tried to break it up with a spoon. Did you know those things DON'T melt, LOL I can remember getting the occasional PixyStix, I think they were a penny each. You had to tear off the end when it would get soggy.

Those kids on Hooker Babies (aka Toddlers and Tiaras) don't know how good they have it!

If you are a "fan" of Hooker Babies (sorry, it's one of those train wreck shows I HAVE to watch), have you ever seen the video parody with Tom Hanks?
I'm not even going to try and catch up.

Moving at my age is CRAZY.


Living in Phoenix at this time of year is pretty INSANE as well. Moving in this heat is just STUPID!

Forecast High and Low for FRIDAY!

Saturday will be a cool down... 118.

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