Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

We have a BR named Kevin, because she was always a bit bigger, very leggy (as a chick), and epic loud (compared to any of her flockmates)...reminded my husband of Kevin from the movie "Up". Our EE is named dragon because she had great poofy cheeks as a chick and slight ear tufts accentuated by her patterns on her head, which looked like horns....she's still got slight ear tufts and now has a big bushy beard. XD
We have adorable chickens named Bailey
RooPoo, Hawkie, (chicken) nugget, Hun Bun, and Maisie
kind of orginal naming I guess
Hubby I have Paula Preen, Mr.Tweety, (Rhode Island reds,)Ms. Beiste,(Brown Brahma), Mr. Molly ( thought he was a hen so we left the name and added Mr. when we found out differently) Peaches and Newt (3 Cochin Banties), Knothead (whitecrested Polish) Tiger, Dumplings (Easter Egger).
Had Henna Clucktana, Robbie Ray Stewed, Sam,Belle, Rodney Chickenfield got his name because he got not respect from the other chickens, and The Four boys and Mike Tyson. He bit Rodneys comb one day. The rest are unnamed.
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2 of my chickens are named is Sweet Bubble Gum and Henrietta
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We have 2 barnyard mixes that we call "Bawk and Squawk", 4 EEs we call Chewie, Princess (as in Leia), Winter, and Buford, 2 Americaunas we call Daphne and Velma, and some bantams with more 'traditional' names - Ginger, Snap, Sugar, and Spice.
Pixel, Dot & Xerox for two hens and the giant rooster...Tough&'Nuff for the two identical sisters, Handsome for the little hen with the crippled toes (she was the cutest puff-ball ever seen)...all Barred Rocks.
Now I've got 2 new BR hens coming in in a box in the car with my husband on Saturday and I have no idea what to call them!

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