Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

I have 4 EE mix breeds...
-A white on named "Foghorn Leghorn" by my 4 year old who loves the cartoons
=A black/white one that looks like a barred mix that he renamed from "Mrs Pearl" to "Mrs Puff" from sponge bob because when she gets mad at Foghorn she puffs up at him, lol...
-Black/Grey name "Chickie" by my 2 year old. (real original right?!) But we call it Thing 1 now cause I keep being told it may be a roo
-Black/Tan/Gray was named Delilah but is now called Thing 2 because it may be a roo as well....
I am tempted to name my chickens after either gemstones and minerals or after herbs and spices. Anyone else do this?
We recently moved 10 of our young bantam chickens to the bantam coop from the brooder coop. my dh was trying to catch one of them and it kept getting away from him , he would say dammit come here so hence the name stuck




We have some funny names: Huckleberry Finn Our blue scissor beak rooster.( he is fed special diet and beak is clipped back.) 3 black roosters ( I cannot figure breeds.) One developed red on top. He is chilli pepper. The other two -one with white spots on butt is egg. (thought it was a hen,but now believe it turned rooster on us.) Same thing with "chocolate". hence the 2=chocolate egg. Both when bought at auction were supposed to be hens, but are roosters by the way they are beginning to act. Also from baby: Snits long legged rooster which is tall black and shiny. Our 4 Cornish birds are names snowy=cock, and hens are icy, sugar and cue. The regular hens have pretty normal names. but the prior mentioned are kind of funny. We had one long legged fat funny looking hen named snookums which was a crazy name, but she disappeared. That was 3 months at least ago and have not lost a bird since. We have 2 waddlers' named Hack and Sack which are funny names also. Big huge pekin quackers, and though not chickens wanted to throw that in also since those are crazy names.
I am loving hearing and reading all the silly names on here also.
That I think would make great names. Also like that aaaajesus is your Lord and Savior. Mine also. Amen
My two Roosters are named Cockadoodledoo and Dumplin'.

I had a Serama pair named Romeo and Juliet. (Romeo died a couple months ago)

The other names are not so silly.. like Lucy, Silver, Speckles, Big Mama, Scarlet... so on.

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