
Hello, Everyone!

It's been a few years since I was last on BYC so I have no idea if I've introduced myself on this thread before, but either way: Hi! My name is Whitney and my family and I live in North Dallas. We have a side yard that I converted for chickens and a permaculture food forest. The girls get less space temporarily while I get the food forest going, but they'll have more food variety and interesting shade/hidey holes soon.

I recently hatched a few eggs from my sister's backyard mix flock (she's actually on property in Abernathy, TX) and they're super adorable. I also bought some local chicks so I'd be 'guaranteed' females and also a variety of good egg layers of many colors.

Here are some pics of the new chicks as day olds because, well, they're just so adorable! Who needs a real reason? (Taken Tuesday)



I'm up late waiting for the last chick dry before I move her in with the rest.
Here are some pics of the new chicks as day olds because, well, they're just so adorable! Who needs a real reason? (Taken Tuesday)

I'm up late waiting for the last chick dry before I move her in with the rest.
Definitely adorable! I'm just west of Abilene. I put 11 Delawares into the hatcher today. and have Bourbon Red Turkeys due to hatch in 10 days!
Hatching was so exciting! I'm slightly addicted. The "first one was free..." didn't stop me from buying more eggs to try again. I've scoured the shipped eggs thread to try to increase my chances, but I will have to sell or give some away if I have too much luck! LOL

Wishing you many healthy pips-to-chicks/turkey babies. I've never seen a turkey baby (insert correct name here)...would you please post a pic?
I try so hard not to pick favorites with chicks because when I do, they either turn out to be a cockerel (in a breed I don't need a cockerel from) or something happens to it. I haven't been able to keep a silkie safe yet...

So, is my favorite chick out of 50 that was narrowed down to 15, a cockerel? Almost 6 weeks old. The red comb and wattles are so much darker than the others from the same shipment, I've included a picture of one I believe to be a pullet, her feathering is darker and comb/wattles are definitely lighter and not as big.





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Hello, Everyone!

It's been a few years since I was last on BYC so I have no idea if I've introduced myself on this thread before, but either way: Hi! My name is Whitney and my family and I live in North Dallas. We have a side yard that I converted for chickens and a permaculture food forest. The girls get less space temporarily while I get the food forest going, but they'll have more food variety and interesting shade/hidey holes soon.

I recently hatched a few eggs from my sister's backyard mix flock (she's actually on property in Abernathy, TX) and they're super adorable. I also bought some local chicks so I'd be 'guaranteed' females and also a variety of good egg layers of many colors.

Here are some pics of the new chicks as day olds because, well, they're just so adorable! Who needs a real reason? (Taken Tuesday)


Hello from Fayetteville TX. We are looking to start raising chickens soon but I literally know nothing about them except eggs are delicious. Very excited to learn
Welcome to the site, Whitney and kcflock!
;)  I got insider information that someone did some gardening yesterday and "[COLOR=333333]got 35 okra, 35 green beans, 35, spinach, and 25 cucumbers planted today!" - Which I think is awesome.  My digging has just been landscape plants.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Anyone else planting their garden?  [/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]What are you putting in and how is it going?  And any pictures to share?  I need some inspiration - all I have is a patch of dirt and weeds and ant nests. [/COLOR]:caf
I started my garden today, back breaking work, will feel it in the morning. Cucumbers, squash, onions, jalepeños, tomatoes, beans. Still have to plant some okra and Juno tomatoes.

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