Thanksgiving Hatchalong

And an update my pigeon eggs are definitely not alive.

That stinks! DH's uncle raises a few pigeon, but I have not tried hatching them as of yet. It hatching pigeon similar to quail?

Yay! One baby has hatched... 2 to go

Yeah! Such a cutey!

First the Bad News! One chicken egg has failed to hatch. I candled and the veins had dried up and all movement had stopped.
Now the Good News! Cupcake is finally hatching! The little one pipped earlier this morning and is beginning to zip. Oh, it will be out soon! So eggcited! LOL!

When this little one is out and dry I will clean and sterilize the hatcher for the next set due Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving).
That stinks! DH's uncle raises a few pigeon, but I have not tried hatching them as of yet. It hatching pigeon similar to quail?

Unlike quail pigeons are nearly impossible to hand raise so I was gonna foster the eggs under another pair that was starting to sit on eggs. They hatch out with closed eyes and don't really use their legs at all for the first week or two and are pretty much "lumps" except at feeding time when they get super excited and squeak and flap their wings begging for food. I let my pigeons hatch out a quail egg once and they freaked out cause it was running around instead of sitting like a lump LOL.

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