Thanksgiving Hatchalong

I am nervous now have an unexpected 3 days not going to be at home and son works all day and we have incoming storms. almost tempted to unplug it and take it with me out to the farm but at the half way point I don't think that would be a good thing, but haven't put the barbaque away yet so at least if something happens can heat water to put in bags for them, only 10 minute drive in from the farm lol. the 28th can't get here fast enough.

I have a question for you more experienced hatchers, I have some very dark barred rock eggs which I have trouble seeing when I candle until hatch time is there a trick to it?

next hatch outta be fun

amerecuana,buff orpington hens by the RIR rooster

and doing more of the white leghorn hen by Barred rock rooster as everyone fell in love with the chick from first hatch and wants to get some of those chicks

Make sure you shine your light into the air cell/ fat end. That will give you the best chance to see in them. :) Use the brightest Led flashlight you can find (they don't generate heat while candling) or your cell phone like smschultz suggested. You still may not be able to see blood vessels or good details, but you should be able to see the embryo and possibly movement, and can see your air cell growth. Good luck!
Well we will see about my batch of eggs due next week. Power has been out since last night 5:30, we had a generator running until about midnight, then it broke down. I had the singleton baby in my cleavage most of the night staying warm. Them my fils friend brought his and fixed ours... 10 hrs without power to the eggs. They got down to 65. We will see if they survive

I hope things are going better for you this morning and your eggs are ok!
Ok I have my final results.

I set 36 eggs, 19 hatched and in the brooder doing great, 3 apparently weren't fertile.

3 died after pipping, but never got out of the shell.

2 had very minimal development (probably quit developing after the first few days in the bator).

4 Developed a lot, but not fully.

5 developed fully but didn't pip.

Results aren't as good as I was secretly hoping for, but much better than I truly expected for my first hatch.

Now to just decide when i want to try again. I mean I want to clean the bator and fire it back up right now. :D But, I have to figure out what I have room for and what I can make room for.
Lockdown started. Now I wait. Started with 26 eggs, 24 in lockdown (2 of my purchased araucana eggs were infertile
). All had movement in the eggs this afternoon (except I can't see anything in the remaining 4 araucana eggs but I set them anyway).
Well, I am a bit bummed. My one and only bantam egg was clear. Rats! I lost my only bantam hen and her egg was not fertile. Also, lock down of the olive eggs isn't until Tuesday.

On a brighter note Cupcake is doing beautifully, and my white chick with the dark spot is feathering out a rather interesting pattern.


What do you think. Little girl or little boy. (Yeah, I know still too early to tell.)


The little (no so white) white chick looking at itself in the mirror. Lol
Lockdown started. Now I wait. Started with 26 eggs, 24 in lockdown (2 of my purchased araucana eggs were infertile
). All had movement in the eggs this afternoon (except I can't see anything in the remaining 4 araucana eggs but I set them anyway).

24 of 26 sounds pretty good! I hope you have a great hatch and don't have to wait too long to meet your babies!
Well, I am a bit bummed. My one and only bantam egg was clear. Rats! I lost my only bantam hen and her egg was not fertile. Also, lock down of the olive eggs isn't until Tuesday.

On a brighter note Cupcake is doing beautifully, and my white chick with the dark spot is feathering out a rather interesting pattern.


What do you think. Little girl or little boy. (Yeah, I know still too early to tell.)


The little (no so white) white chick looking at itself in the mirror. Lol

Sorry about your bantam egg :-( i was pulling for you for that one to be fertile.
Wow your babies have really grown! They are SO cute :) Hmm still too early for me to tell lol. At about 3-4 weeks I can usually tell on the straight comb breeds. I love the pattern- almost looks like it could grow out to partridge type. I have an EE that looked similar as a baby. I'll see if I can find a pic for you. :)

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