The American Paint Silkie

HI All
Just found this thread so thrilled.!!..Been trying to read thru all the[posts here from # 1 but will take a while...wanted to ask this question though

Ill be hatching my first silkie eggs from my hens in 3 weeks Im so excited as i havent hatch one thing since last summer and these are silkies too..
..From the first paint silkie picture i saw I loved them and the splash too My favorite hands down

.I bought a few eggs from a friend who said they were porcelain that her splash or paint silkie wasnt laying yet but these are for sure paint if the criteria is feathers are dark to the skin on the spots and they for sure are.
.However mines spots seem more grey than black a charcoal almost black

My questions are someone said once on here a splash the spots are in one certain spot always on each chicken and paint are any place. or maybe its visa versa. with the spots ..Is this correct?,

Can the feathers be a dark grey near black like mine that considered a black spotted paint.? or something else.?

I am assuming from some things i read here the black can be improved by a black roo?does it need the paint gene?

Only silkes i have are these 6 paints.... 3 and 3.. so want to buy the right thing if i need a black roo or white. either one..

Hi Roxanne!!!
Glad to see you here. The spots can be in colors other than black. I have paints with black, blue, and red. Maybe yours is a "blue" paint.

In your next comment I have seen the cream color called champagne. Sonoran has a gorgeous champagne rooster that is from paint breeding. You'll see examples of these colors as you scour this thread. I have read it completely 5 times so far.
That WAS the name they used Champagne!!! Thanks...I have to remember it!
Im still slogging thru HAHa Interesting stuff .So a dark almost black charcoal would be Blue ? Great ... makes sense..... now i know.
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Hey, I am getting my first Paint Silkie this Sunday and I am so excited! He is a one year old rooster. I am hoping to breed my black silkie hen with the new paint rooster, does anyone know what colors I could possibly get? I heard I would get a combonation of balck and paints.

Here is my hen named China

Here is the boy I am getting Sunday. Any name suggestions?
Thanks, I just found this thread and love it!
In answer to some of Roxannemc, first Paints come in other colors other than Black, most seen are the Blue, sometimes Red.
And if you are fortunate enough to be there when hatched the Paint spots are there on the skin [on wet chick] even though the down may come in white/cream on those places
that will have spots. That's why it takes awhile for some spots to appear, but most times a spot or two will be visible at hatch, sometimes LOTS of spots.
The creamer or dirty look around the neck is NOT desirable, not the same as a Champagne colored bird.
If you can find a good true Black that would be best.
Hope this helps.
One more thing, when looking for a new roo or hen to add be sure to look for the quality first and foremeost. You can add color but if you lose the "type" it is much harder to get back. No matter how pretty color a bird you have if it is not correct and true to type it isn't worth much and sets you back.
I used a good Paint roo over some very, very nice White Showgirl hens and got both good type and color.
Wish you lots of luck with some great chicks!
Hey, I am getting my first Paint Silkie this Sunday and I am so excited! He is a one year old rooster. I am hoping to breed my black silkie hen with the new paint rooster, does anyone know what colors I could possibly get? I heard I would get a combonation of balck and paints. Here is my hen named China Here is the boy I am getting Sunday. Any name suggestions? Thanks, I just found this thread and love it!:ya
What a cute little Roo! You should get Paint, blue and black. Are you sure your hens a black? Looks like a dark blue in the pic. Still be some nice chicks, post pics when they hatch!

Thanks! She is a black that photo is a little weird here is a different photo of her, I cant wait for the silkie chicks and some of my orpingtons hatched today!. Zoey is adorable!!!

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