The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Hi everyone! I am new to this thread. I just rescued what I was told is a silver laced wyandotte. She has the lacing on her but it is hard to really tell as she is missing a lot of feathers. Can anyone confirm that she is or is not a SLW? Her name is Lacy and she is 1 1/2 years old. I got her with a buff orpingotn and black australorp. She is VERY skittish and stays in the coop a lot. I just ordered her and the others hen saddles to protect their backs until their feathers grow in. I was told there was a mean hen that picked on them but I wonder if it could be her molting? When I picked her up yesterday to check her over she lost a lot of feathers. She barely has any tail feathers. Poor girl needs a lot of loving.

I agree with the black being a tad thin but her type is great! The point at th end of her comb isn't as snug as it should be but a comb really doesn't make or break a chicken. I would try entering her in a show you may win something ;).
For wyandottes and other poultry breeds it just means that the breeder didn't care what the parents looked like and didn't set a high standard for his birds. Usually hatcheries do this because they hatch so many they just try to finds birds of that breed and hatch them. Even if they have a silver laced wyandotte with horrible lacing and type they will still breed it because it's a supposed pure bred bird. It's just the difference between buying from a breeder who cares about the quality of the birds they are selling verses the people who just hatch to sell without having standards put out. Hatcheries can sometimes get nice birds but when you are selling over 30 different breeds and various colors you usually can't get the best of the best for all of the breeds they are providing so they compromise with the stock they can find.

I totally agree, I have two flocks of SLW's. My 1st flock I purchased from a Hatchery and they are great eggs layers..but their lacing just didn't satisfy me, my daddy raised this breed when I was growing up and he showed his chickens....My 2nd flock that I bought from a private breeder are developing very nicely...can't wait until they get fully feathered...My Grandson is in 4H, the 2nd flock I bought for him to raise and show...and they seem to be doing well, very pretty :)
My SLWs @ 16 weeks. (They are 17 weeks now)



whats the difference between the comb in inara and nandi. Are the both female. I have two of these and their combs are like inara and nandi. I thought it was a difference in male female or is inara's comb just not as mature as nandi's
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pea comb and rose comb I think, they are young yet................ I have a GLW with a cushion comb, really crazy looking boy and my WW has a huge rose comb see below
This is Fred The white Wyandotte and his giant comb
whats the difference between the comb in inara and nandi. Are the both female. I have two of these and their combs are like inara and nandi. I thought it was a difference in male female or is inara's comb just not as mature as nandi's

They are all the same age, 17 weeks today. Nandi just seems to be maturing a little faster than Inara and I have no doubt she will be the first one of the two to lay. Inara's gender has been obviously female all along. I waffled on Nandi until she was about 7 weeks. By 8 weeks it was obvious who was a pullet and who wasn't.

Nandi has always been a little bigger than Inara, and she's always had a slightly more developed comb. But Inara seems to be higher in the pecking order, and her lacing pattern seemed to come in sooner. She's been catching up in size with Nandi and her little comb and wattles are getting bigger in the last week as well.

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