The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Lil Sarge and his sisters at 12 weeks old. They are the babies of Big Sarge previously listed and his girls.
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Ok - trying again. I posted a little while ago and this girl/guy was a little too young. H/she is right at 6 wks old now - anyone want to guess Boy or Girl?

Ok - trying again. I posted a little while ago and this girl/guy was a little too young. H/she is right at 6 wks old now - anyone want to guess Boy or Girl?

About a week or two behind mine. So far, everyone has told me mine is a girl....and looks pretty much like yours. BUT...I am no expert and totally new to this. Maybe someone with more experience will chime in.
hi guys. you think someone can sex my chick please. I am not an expert and this chick has a very red comb compared to my easter Eggers and I know that each breed is different. She/he is obviously A hatchery chick. the only SLW I have... And I don;t think she/he will ever have the lacing. She/he is def more black than anything...but we love her/him the same...

just worried cause the red comb and the thick legs. also likes to stand tall with her/his head in the air.

edited To Add that this chick was born april 12thish... about 2 months old

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