Tomaru Longcrowers...

Hi, folks - I haven't checked in on this thread in awhile - sorry for that! I just want to let anyone who had asked about hatching eggs know that member Farmerboy16 has purchased my breeding trio. Daron is a wonderful young man, and I'm sure he'll continue on with them in the very best & careful manner - thanks, Daron! So, anyone who has asked about hatching eggs, please get with Daron.
Hi, I am the one that brought the trio from Wyentte, and already love the longcrowers! Although I have not heard the roo crow yet. Here are some pictures of them in their new home. Please pardon the mess, coop building is in progress.


They are in a molt right now, so they are not in their best, but still very stunning to me with the plumage color.
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Hi, Daron! I'm glad they're getting settled in. The roo crowed on my farm VERY VERY early morning (like 5 or 5:30 a.m.) a few times, and then was quiet the rest of the day. The longest crows were the first ones of they day, but every now & again he'd whip out a pretty long one later!

These guys are slow to mature, and I'm sure they will get more & more beautiful as the time goes by. I'm sure they're VERY happy with their new space - thanks for giving them such a lovely home!
Mmm, that is why I don't hear him all. I will get up tomorrow at 5 am just to hear him crow.
Hope that he has settled enough to crow.
Update on the trio- They got their own pen now, and are happy with that.


I heard him crow for the first time on Saturday morning at 6 am, it was 4 seconds long, and very beautiful to hear.
Here is the picture of him crowing at 7 am-
YEA!!! You heard him crow finally!!!! I'm glad they are happy in their new area! Sorry they look so beat up, Daron. I'm sure once they are settled in & have preened their feathers back into place (tail feathers are a bit sad looking, carting them in a box for more than 10 hours does that - ha!), they'll look much prettier! I miss them. I keep looking at their pen, and just really miss them.
But - I'm glad they have a really good home!
Update! I got my first Tomaru Longcrower egg this morning, but I think that it was laid yesterday, for the egg was stone cold. I cracked the egg in the bowl, and it had a bull's eye!!!
Not a busy thread lol

I wanted to post that I got my eggs from farmerboy and had a great hatch! I also got eggs from another breeder at the same time. I now have 18 chicks total between the two. I'm very excited to start working with this breed. I wish I could find more information on them!!!

I know its going to be awhile.. but I'm already looking forward to my first crow!!!

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