Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

Ok, so I just canled all 11 eggs and there is veining in all but 2 of them. Those two are farthest from the heat source and otherwise look the same as the rest with darkened yolk. I think they're just a touch behind. The veins I see are very light, so the two I don't see veins in could very well simply be slightly behind the rest. They're not one of the ones I couldn't see veins in last night when candling, and those now have veins... so I might have 100% fertility (the one I broke was fertile)

I hope you're having just as good a luck as I am with your eggs, Alex? If you don't see anything yet, seriously, your eyes have to get used to looking for the right thing, so it might be there but you haven't recognized it yet. After you finally see it, suddenly you're able to see it in most all the rest :)
im having a hard time resisting the urge to do another batch!
LOL, Do It!!
I hope so. White leghorns are what come out right? Are they good egg layers?
Alexthechicken- My TJ leghorns are the sweetest of my flock! So far they are laying an egg a day and they began at 19 weeks old! They are curious, and LOVE to be picked up and held. I had leghorns only once before about 30 years ago and swore never again because they were so flighty and horrible to work with- flying straight into me if they perceived I was between them and escape. I had purchased those at 4 months old so perhaps that is why, because having raised these from the egg stage- I am in LOVE with the leghorns and will always have them in my flock from now on

The best egg layers! And if you handle them a lot, they can be very sweet. They are shy and jumpy and energetic by nature, but, like mine are still in the brooder waiting for me to finish their coop, they're 6 weeks old yesterday, and what I do is open the coop up, and let them fly out and they'll perch somewhere in the room, I clean, and let them hang out where they land for a while, they mostly sit there and watch me, then when I have to go, I go around and pick them up and put them back in their brooder. They never fuss or try to fly away. At most, they'll flap their wings, I think for balance on my hand/arm. I think it's awesome how they can fly! They're really sweet and people say they're one of the smartest birds. They seem nice and curious and it doesn't take them long to try out something new to eat, etc... Just wish I was finished with their coop!

BTW, I almost died laughing, today I heard one of my roos crow for the first time
It was just out of the blue and SO CUTE!
Cluckcluck- how are your eggs doing?? and you are absolutely right about the early sexing of leghorns- I knew two of my five were roos at about 3 weeks- and they began chest bumping, and going at each other with their non-existant spurs. I gave them away at 5 weeks old. My EE rooster didn't show his "maleness" until 17 weeks old- we were suspicious, but no real markers until he began to crow. He is now 22 weeks old and is a delightful roo- very gentle, and calm. Which is a good thing or he would be going onto Craigslist. His "harem" seems to love him too, and the leghorns seem especially fond of him and stay close- it's very cute.

Here are a couple of pix of the leghorns with my grandkids- they are very sweet.

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Beautiful grandchildren!!! Yaaay for kids!! My eldest is 19 and claims she'll never have kids, ROFL, right! I can't wait!

Awesome birds too! Mine are over 7 weeks now, and my eggs started pipping this morning! It was cold last night, and you know how these houses are, so much like paper (and of course I enjoyed the cool air and didn't think) but the incubator got a bit cold last night, I don't know how long. I just hope they hatch. Like I said, two pips so zips, but I do hear peeping.

I guess I'll try and see if anyone wants my roos on Craigslist. I was hoping they could move into the coop together for a while, since I only have 2 hens, but they've started crowing and I don't want to tick off my neighbors
So far,7 are out. I tried my hand at vent sexing, and 2 are roos, for sure, then 5 should be pullets (but I coulda missed something, very tiny!!) I have one that died while zipping?? And 2 more eggs, one with a pip, and I thought I saw it move a few hours ago, the other, nothing. So I'm just waiting to see if more hatch.
YAHOO!!! congrats on vent sexing- it'll be interesting to see if it's right. I tried wing-feather sexing when mine were 3 days old and it turned out wrong :) but the boys made themselves known so young it didn't really matter. CONGRATS!! Can hardly wait to see photos! Are you having trouble posting on threads? I keep getting an error message and have no smilies available.

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