Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

My husband is a soft spoken, kind person. He never uses that type language, never has. He was talking very quietly and almost apologetically. Some BYC folks have met him and can tell you he would never do that. The dog was caught up here before. Around the house, about 2 acres, is fenced with livestock fencing and we have a driveway gate, but we are going to have the bottom 3 acres logged and we have to take down the back portion of the fence. I am just so happy I didn't let Nora out with her babies like I was going to do!

This boy runs with a bad crowd, though he doesn't usually live here with his dad. His dad has been very reasonable in times past. The first time, he said he'd take care of it, and got the invisible fence and collar for the dog. Well, it only works if it's turned on or the battery in the collar isn't dead. This isn't the first time that dog was out of his boundaries recently.

Of course the attitude that " if you shoot my dog over some bleeping chickens, I'll (fill in the blank)" is pretty familiar to me, reading this section of the forum more than I'd like to.
Kids today!
That's the way thing work here too. I've got one neighbor close and he is also my uncle. Last week I heard the guineas cut loose and looked out and seen a huge dog with one of our barred rock hens. I ran out and chased it until I cornered it against my back pasture fence. It hadn't killed the hen, but the hen was scared and had a few deep scratches. My uncle came running out saying I'm sorry, I just got that dog and didn't know he would chase chickens. I told him it wasn't a problem as it didn't kill the chicken this time, but I looked him in the eye and told him to make sure the dog didn't come back. I said "That's once" and I don't give second chances. If I see him in my yard again you can come get him and bury him because I will not chase him next time, I'll get him with buckshot. He knows I mean what I say too.
A chicken killing dog is one of the worst things around. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but I love my chickens too, and we depend on the chickens for meat & eggs.
It's hard because I do love dogs. I have one who is almost always in the house and she has a fenced area inside our perimeter fence next to the house when she is out, but she is almost 13 years old and never barks (though she did bark when she saw a dog on the deck outside the window, good girl).

I have printed out the parts of the ordinance for this county that applies to this situation and will hand it to the kid's father. I have told my DH that we need to make a report solely because of the threat he made to kill all my chickens. If he hadn't made that threat, I wouldn't make the report, but if he decides to carry it out, maybe even before we are forced to shoot the dog, it will be on file and they will have a suspect. I have really nice neighbors, including his dad. This kid has been in so much trouble in the last few years and he even had to go live with his mother in Colorado for a time.

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