
Weve given ours old hamburger buns, celery, apples, mealworms, and watermelon. They went nuts for watermelon! We do sprinkle oyster shell calcium because they started laying this weekend :) I give a little treat every evening to get them back in their pen lol
Woo hoo! Congrats on the fresh eggs 😁

Now do you chop up the apples and celery? Remove apple core?
In addition to lots of the things that have already been mentioned, mine LOVE weeds from the yard (we are organic and 100% no pesticide). They get so excited when they see me coming with them :)

Also to help them beat the heat in summer, I freeze the vegetable & fruit scraps from our own meal prep with water in old bundt or cake pans (avocados, onions, & green potato peels still go directly into compost bin).

Enjoy your chickens!
Woo hoo! Congrats on the fresh eggs 😁

Now do you chop up the apples and celery? Remove apple core?
Whether or not you chop something up depends on the size. If it's small enough for them to easily eat, great. If it's so large that it would in no way fit into their beak, they eat it one careful peck at a time. When it's in between you get the choking hazard, so chop it up smaller for them. (I know you weren't asking me, but...)
Whether or not you chop something up depends on the size. If it's small enough for them to easily eat, great. If it's so large that it would in no way fit into their beak, they eat it one careful peck at a time. When it's in between you get the choking hazard, so chop it up smaller for them. (I know you weren't asking me, but...)
That's ok! I appreciate your response 😊

I'm just wondering about celery bc it's "stringy."
My 2 cents on chopping stuff up is ..if it's as small as a kernel of corn or smaller you are good to go. We like to spread it out in multiple dishes when possible..we have 10 girls 5 bugs and 5 littles..we strive for 2 birds to a treat dish ...doesn't always work but we try...they ALL have HUGE treat appetites.
So I've been discovering new things about chickens!

Few weeks ago when they were just little I remember reading NOT to give chickens any treats till after their first lay?

My little ones are about 4 months old. They only eat chicken feed, grass and whatever they scratch up/peck from the ground outside.

My questions are:
- When can I start giving them treats?
- How often? How much? Like once a week or every other week?
- What kind of treats aside from mealworms?
- I read that when starting to give treats also include grit?
- If so, I saw eggshells can be grit? Or oyster shells? But I think mine are too young for that because of too much calcium (or protein. Can't remember which) because they're technically not laying yet.

Sorry for all of the questions. I just want to be sure!

I have 6 pullets and one young rooster.

Thank you!
I have been giving mine mealworms since they were 1wk old where did you read not to give them treats and i started giving them grit when they are 12-13wks separately so they get it when they want it mine get all kinds of treats mealworms, regular worms, watermelon, cooked carrots, cooked celery, lettuce, cabbage, mealworm treats i make, corn on the cob, spinach, kale, cucumbers, peas, apples, peaches, sweet potato its endless mine are spoiled they get different treats every day some are 15wks some are 13wks, 12wks, 4wks and my guineas are 5wks they all get treats every day
It's crazy. I have to force myself not to buy more when I see them. Lol
This is me, lmao
*Phone rings*
Wife- Yes?
me- hey baby *snaps and sends picture* they got these {insert bird name here} at the “feed store”. See the picture.
Wife- *picture comes through* aw how cute(as she looks up the breed). How many are you thinking? We’ve already got {insert current number here}.

me- I don’t know?!?!? What do you think? 2, 3, 4, 6, 8?

Then I get home.
Wife- you know you’re crazy with all these birds right?
I put out a mister 2 days ago. It's been hot and I thought they might like it. The first day they wouldn't even go to that side of the yard. Yesterday they went to that side but nowhere near it. I'm sure today they will go look at it closer. Tomorrow they will probably go give it a peck. Lol.
Mine did that at first but now they love it
Can a picture of misters be posted?
Curious in looking into it now.
Our coop and run is covered so it doesn't get much direct sun but that doesn't mean it isn't too hot still!
This is the one I bought
Can a picture of misters be posted?
Curious in looking into it now.
Our coop and run is covered so it doesn't get much direct sun but that doesn't mean it isn't too hot still!
This is the one I have


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