UK Member Please Say HI

Just wondering, have you ever tried Nutri-Drench? I got given the tip off from a BYC'r in the US - stuff is marvelous, can't get it over here and can be pricey (especially with shipping fees) but we recently found a seller on ebay, really good price and free P&P. Recently we had a cold or flu go through our flocks, started with one of the ducks, went through all including chickens, one duck struggled badly, we gave him one dose of Nutri-Drench, we saw a change in him within 10mins of giving it to him, same with one of my pullets, just 3/4 days ago, been hunched with tail down constantly, have given her the ND she back to normal now.
Hi Anna. Thanks. I do have some, but it's the British version! It's called nutri-drops made by nettex. @Shadrach here is the link.
I'm not sure if they ship to Spain, they only said not to the sciliy Isles. I think that all I can really do for her is make her comfortable, clean water+probios, fresh food and hope. That is also her name 'hope'. She is eating and drinking and if I try to pick her up she definately seems to wake up!
Hi Anna. Thanks. I do have some, but it's the British version! It's called nutri-drops made by nettex. @Shadrach here is the link.
I'm not sure if they ship to Spain, they only said not to the sciliy Isles. I think that all I can really do for her is make her comfortable, clean water+probios, fresh food and hope. That is also her name 'hope'. She is eating and drinking and if I try to pick her up she definately seems to wake up!
Thanks. I'll get my daughter in the UK to get it and she can send it to me.
Just had a hawk attack. Mag, one of the bantam roosters has lost some feathers but seems okay otherwise. He stood halfway through some stocknet fence and I assume the hawk couldn't use it's claws...clever Mag!
Thanks. I'll get my daughter in the UK to get it and she can send it to me.
Just had a hawk attack. Mag, one of the bantam roosters has lost some feathers but seems okay otherwise. He stood halfway through some stocknet fence and I assume the hawk couldn't use it's claws...clever Mag!
That's a close call! Glad he's OK.
I think I would find the shortened lifespan difficult to deal with emotionally.
I have a couple of nine year olds here. They aren't showing any signs of dying but you can tell they're getting old. It's going to break my heart when they die. I've known them eight years now and they've taught me so much in that time.
I know exactly what you mean - mine are still young but I am already dreading losing them - such amazing creatures. Gotta say though, 9 years is well impressive, guess that's the difference between well kept animals and those neglected - I hope mine live that long and more :fl
The trail cam I ordered was delivered my neighbour! They didn't put a card through the door to say so. Anyway I've figured out how it works and set it up overlooking the run and questionable fence. The one thing I didn't think of is, it is motion activated by a pir sensor, like a security light, so I may not have much happening overnight but I'll have alot of chicken TV to watch tomorrow!
Hi Anna. Thanks. I do have some, but it's the British version! It's called nutri-drops made by nettex. @Shadrach here is the link.
I'm not sure if they ship to Spain, they only said not to the sciliy Isles. I think that all I can really do for her is make her comfortable, clean water+probios, fresh food and hope. That is also her name 'hope'. She is eating and drinking and if I try to pick her up she definately seems to wake up!
I didn't know there's a British version, I called numerous pet shops, searched UK net didn't find anything. - Don't know if you're interested but my daughter found a seller on ebay selling 4oz Nutri-drench for £17.00 plus free P&P (we on very low income any saving is a great help for us)
Could you tell me if you have ever used Electrolytes on your birds and if you have, what you think of it? I'm asking because one of my drakes has become very clumsy, hes eating, drinking and functioning well and shows no sign what so ever of illness nor injury, just seems to be very clumsy and struggles a bit getting out of the pool and sometimes ends up splatting on the ground, someone suggested I try him with electrolytes but I'm very weary about using something I know nothing about.
The trail cam I ordered was delivered my neighbour! They didn't put a card through the door to say so. Anyway I've figured out how it works and set it up overlooking the run and questionable fence. The one thing I didn't think of is, it is motion activated by a pir sensor, like a security light, so I may not have much happening overnight but I'll have alot of chicken TV to watch tomorrow!
Glad you've got it at last! Lets hope if anything untoward is happening, the cam will pick it up - failing that you could always do an all night stake out!

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