Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Welcome to another vegan. I am now on week 7 of my raw diet. DH is pretty much back to his usual diet with more fruits and veggies added in, but for some reason the coffee doesn't appeal to him anymore (he used to drink it by he quart!)

I've gone out to eat a few times. Fruit salad, regular salad. It's been OK. The most challenging place to eat was actually a huge chinese restaurant buffet which has about 250 offerings. Everything was fried, had fish, chicken, meat. Even the salads had added "goodies" like fake crab meat and tons of mayonnaise based salad dressing.
I think for my $9.99 I pretty much ate watermelon. LOL!

I started back to work last week (I'm a school nurse) and found out that 2 of my colleagues started a vegan diet this summer also, so that will be fun to share some recipes. Tomorrow and thursday our food service is making the staff breakfast and lunch for workshop days. I better bring my own food!
YAY!!! I'm so happy to see a vegetarian/vegan thread on here! I started feeling kind of silly having chickens even though I'm vegetarian. (I don't so much anymore) I was vegan for a year and a half and then switched to vegetarian because of budget cuts, but now I'm slowly working towards a raw diet since my son likes to eat raw veggies and fruit anyway. Got my mom converting to a vegetarian because she couldn't stand culling her roosters. LOL! My dad would rather be vegan anyways so it isn't hard for him. I really don't like eating chicken eggs but I do want to try poaching anyway to see how it tastes. (Believe me I'm quite a foodie and love to try new things.) Milk was easy to cut out of my diet and so was meat, I think the hardest thing for me when I was vegan for awhile was cheese. Got used to it after awhile now. Oh I don't know if any of you vegan/vegetarians know about bountiful baskets but it makes it easier to get ahold of lots of veggies and fruit for a cheap price. You really get loads of that stuff. The website is Your supposed to go on there on Mondays and order then pick up on Saturdays usually but it depends on where you live.
Hi Milo,
Welcome to our thread. I haven't been on too much lately. Thanks for the website. I'll check it out. We have a lot of farmers markets here which I go to, but they can be expensive, depending on what you want and the season. I understand that the local farmers mostly have small farms here and have lots of expenses and are trying to make a living, so will continue to support our local folks in whatever way.

Since I've been raw, everyone I know has been giving me tomatoes and zucchini.
I've brought some to work to share - I've got lots of good recipes, but yikes! My DH is not crazy about either one and you can only eat so many tomatoes in a day!
Hi Milo,
For good poached eggs you want the yolk intact and the white staying together as much as possible. The secret to making this happen is to put a little vinegar in the water. Break the eggs into a bowl. Bring the water to a gentle simmer and stir the water with a spoon in a circle. while the water is still swirling, ease the eggs into the water. Being gentle with the process helps hold the eggs together. Get your toast going and don't leave the stove. Watch your eggs so that the yolks are the hardness you want. Take them out with a slotted spoon when they are done. When I used to eat eggs, these were my favorites. Just thinking about them makes me want to ditch the vegan thing and have some. LOL.
Hi Milo,
For good poached eggs you want the yolk intact and the white staying together as much as possible. The secret to making this happen is to put a little vinegar in the water. Break the eggs into a bowl. Bring the water to a gentle simmer and stir the water with a spoon in a circle. while the water is still swirling, ease the eggs into the water. Being gentle with the process helps hold the eggs together. Get your toast going and don't leave the stove. Watch your eggs so that the yolks are the hardness you want. Take them out with a slotted spoon when they are done. When I used to eat eggs, these were my favorites. Just thinking about them makes me want to ditch the vegan thing and have some. LOL.

That method makes excellent poached eggs and it's exactly the way I do them. An alternative is to use an egg poacher. You can buy them for either the stove or the microwave.

Lol, thanks you guys. I'm not really an egg person but decided I had to try it. I went to my moms house and got her poacher and experimented with it. I must say that being my very first fresh egg, poached was definitely the way to go. I do not like store bought eggs at all. You can taste a cardboard or something to it, it just makes me sick. It was absolutely delicious. Do you guys have any other good egg recipes? I'm not really an egg person so the most creative thing would probably peak my interest. lol.

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