Welp, the HOA was notified

I don’t understand why it matters that you owned these animals for 5 years? You weren’t supposed to have them in the first place. I am not even able to fathom reading posts like yours because you have some sense of entitlement to own animals that are either against the rules, or the law. Did you not know the rules of your HOA before getting your chickens? If you did know, then why did you even get them? My tip is that you move somewhere not governed by HOA, or some kind of other laws that might hinder you from owning chickens. Otherwise, you have no standing to own these animals.
I don't feel for those in a HOA, but OP is following allowed procedures (as far as I can tell), yet here you are being a statist.

I did not feel for that nurse that had a RV to "isolate". She also did not have the RV for 5 yrs.
I don't feel for those in a HOA, but OP is following allowed procedures (as far as I can tell), yet here you are being a statist.

I did not feel for that nurse that had a RV to "isolate". She also did not have the RV for 5 yrs.
To be specific this is not a place for judging anyone. The OP was asking for advice on their situation; not looking to be told they should have never had the birds in the first place. Perhaps they knew that and perhaps they didn't. What is important is that we try and help anyway we can.

Hopefully the OP got some good news. :fl
I specifically said in one of my posts to this thread that yes, I knew I was playing with a ticking time bomb and mostly right now I am just angry that my chickens were only a problem after this many years, and also that whoever apparently has a problem with them didn't come to me first.

Anyway, the update is that the HOA board 'can't make exceptions' for the chickens being support for my medical condition (severe food allergies). (Except, you know, for the guy in the first house on the street with a non-functioning car in his driveway, and all the privacy fences that violate the very strict regulations regarding privacy fencing--much stricter than the animal regulations, etc...). Followed by a 'when can we expect you to comply?' and a 'I'm sure a wildlife rescue will be able to take them.' uh-huh.

I was very lucky to find a new home for my healthy hens with someone my parents know. The ill hen may have a home as well but I'm waiting for a final word on that situation, otherwise most likely I will have her euthanized. Not my ideal ending for her, but one that honestly would have come sooner or later even if I had been able to keep her.

So since I can't have my chickens any more because whatever reason they don't want chickens, they will instead get the kitschiest chicken yard art I can find, and lots of it. Gay pride chicken flags, sparkly chicken sculptures, spinny chicken wind discs, whatever I can find, it's going in my yard. Petty revenge mode activate!
And the HOA won't be able to do anything about it because none of it is a 'business sign' and it will be well within the easements on my property.
Also my backyard will now be fully dedicated to my garden/orchard. And no HOA board member will get to have any of the apples or peaches when they come in, so there!
I specifically said in one of my posts to this thread that yes, I knew I was playing with a ticking time bomb and mostly right now I am just angry that my chickens were only a problem after this many years, and also that whoever apparently has a problem with them didn't come to me first.

Anyway, the update is that the HOA board 'can't make exceptions' for the chickens being support for my medical condition (severe food allergies). (Except, you know, for the guy in the first house on the street with a non-functioning car in his driveway, and all the privacy fences that violate the very strict regulations regarding privacy fencing--much stricter than the animal regulations, etc...). Followed by a 'when can we expect you to comply?' and a 'I'm sure a wildlife rescue will be able to take them.' uh-huh.

I was very lucky to find a new home for my healthy hens with someone my parents know. The ill hen may have a home as well but I'm waiting for a final word on that situation, otherwise most likely I will have her euthanized. Not my ideal ending for her, but one that honestly would have come sooner or later even if I had been able to keep her.

So since I can't have my chickens any more because whatever reason they don't want chickens, they will instead get the kitschiest chicken yard art I can find, and lots of it. Gay pride chicken flags, sparkly chicken sculptures, spinny chicken wind discs, whatever I can find, it's going in my yard. Petty revenge mode activate!
And the HOA won't be able to do anything about it because none of it is a 'business sign' and it will be well within the easements on my property.
Also my backyard will now be fully dedicated to my garden/orchard. And no HOA board member will get to have any of the apples or peaches when they come in, so there!

Sorry this happened. Maybe a few of those big pink flamingos would fit in the chicken art?? I'm sure they'd love the look! 🦩 🦩 🦩
I specifically said in one of my posts to this thread that yes, I knew I was playing with a ticking time bomb and mostly right now I am just angry that my chickens were only a problem after this many years, and also that whoever apparently has a problem with them didn't come to me first.

Anyway, the update is that the HOA board 'can't make exceptions' for the chickens being support for my medical condition (severe food allergies). (Except, you know, for the guy in the first house on the street with a non-functioning car in his driveway, and all the privacy fences that violate the very strict regulations regarding privacy fencing--much stricter than the animal regulations, etc...). Followed by a 'when can we expect you to comply?' and a 'I'm sure a wildlife rescue will be able to take them.' uh-huh.

I was very lucky to find a new home for my healthy hens with someone my parents know. The ill hen may have a home as well but I'm waiting for a final word on that situation, otherwise most likely I will have her euthanized. Not my ideal ending for her, but one that honestly would have come sooner or later even if I had been able to keep her.

So since I can't have my chickens any more because whatever reason they don't want chickens, they will instead get the kitschiest chicken yard art I can find, and lots of it. Gay pride chicken flags, sparkly chicken sculptures, spinny chicken wind discs, whatever I can find, it's going in my yard. Petty revenge mode activate!
And the HOA won't be able to do anything about it because none of it is a 'business sign' and it will be well within the easements on my property.
Also my backyard will now be fully dedicated to my garden/orchard. And no HOA board member will get to have any of the apples or peaches when they come in, so there!
Seems a perfectly reasonable response to me! I wish you every fortune in your search for yard art. I have a concrete rooster in mine, must weigh 40#. You'd be surprised what's available.
I specifically said in one of my posts to this thread that yes, I knew I was playing with a ticking time bomb and mostly right now I am just angry that my chickens were only a problem after this many years, and also that whoever apparently has a problem with them didn't come to me first.

Anyway, the update is that the HOA board 'can't make exceptions' for the chickens being support for my medical condition (severe food allergies). (Except, you know, for the guy in the first house on the street with a non-functioning car in his driveway, and all the privacy fences that violate the very strict regulations regarding privacy fencing--much stricter than the animal regulations, etc...). Followed by a 'when can we expect you to comply?' and a 'I'm sure a wildlife rescue will be able to take them.' uh-huh.

I was very lucky to find a new home for my healthy hens with someone my parents know. The ill hen may have a home as well but I'm waiting for a final word on that situation, otherwise most likely I will have her euthanized. Not my ideal ending for her, but one that honestly would have come sooner or later even if I had been able to keep her.

So since I can't have my chickens any more because whatever reason they don't want chickens, they will instead get the kitschiest chicken yard art I can find, and lots of it. Gay pride chicken flags, sparkly chicken sculptures, spinny chicken wind discs, whatever I can find, it's going in my yard. Petty revenge mode activate!
And the HOA won't be able to do anything about it because none of it is a 'business sign' and it will be well within the easements on my property.
Also my backyard will now be fully dedicated to my garden/orchard. And no HOA board member will get to have any of the apples or peaches when they come in, so there!
Oh man, sorry to hear you had to give your girls up.
I applaud you on your plan though!
Might I suggest about 100 pink plastic flamingos?

Many :hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
Good luck with your plan!

Oh and get a Marilyn Monore Statue.
The cement ones are reasonably......odd.
I specifically said in one of my posts to this thread that yes, I knew I was playing with a ticking time bomb and mostly right now I am just angry that my chickens were only a problem after this many years, and also that whoever apparently has a problem with them didn't come to me first.

Anyway, the update is that the HOA board 'can't make exceptions' for the chickens being support for my medical condition (severe food allergies). (Except, you know, for the guy in the first house on the street with a non-functioning car in his driveway, and all the privacy fences that violate the very strict regulations regarding privacy fencing--much stricter than the animal regulations, etc...). Followed by a 'when can we expect you to comply?' and a 'I'm sure a wildlife rescue will be able to take them.' uh-huh.

I was very lucky to find a new home for my healthy hens with someone my parents know. The ill hen may have a home as well but I'm waiting for a final word on that situation, otherwise most likely I will have her euthanized. Not my ideal ending for her, but one that honestly would have come sooner or later even if I had been able to keep her.

So since I can't have my chickens any more because whatever reason they don't want chickens, they will instead get the kitschiest chicken yard art I can find, and lots of it. Gay pride chicken flags, sparkly chicken sculptures, spinny chicken wind discs, whatever I can find, it's going in my yard. Petty revenge mode activate!
And the HOA won't be able to do anything about it because none of it is a 'business sign' and it will be well within the easements on my property.
Also my backyard will now be fully dedicated to my garden/orchard. And no HOA board member will get to have any of the apples or peaches when they come in, so there!
So sorry to hear this but at least you found a good home for them. In the meantime instead of maybe being a nuisance to your neighbors you could instead advocate to become a member of the HOA board (and becoming a nuisance won't get you there). Once on the board you can petition for chicken advacacy. And the more you do it the more the other board members will become annoyed and eventually cave. Go door to door. Meet your neighbors. Ask them what THEY want. You can win a lot of votes by simply talking to the people. It's sad you lost your birds and I'm sure you're upset but you can get them back if you create change! Stay positive and fight for chicken advacacy!

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