I bought a bag of mealworms when my first chicks were about 5 months old. I mix about half and half mealworms and BOSS when I give them. I give them to the chickens about once every 2-3months. About 1/3 cup sprinkled on the ground for 7 birds.

It is actually my cop-out, "I didn't make you guys your usual snack, but here's something" snack. I call it "quickie snack," instead of "chickie snack."

I still have about half of the bag left. I won't be buying another.
...that said, I do have the head of a goat I slaughtered hanging in the chicken's run. If it should drop maggots, etc, the birds will be happy to eat them, as they pick the flesh clean (the carcass, too). But I have a LOT of birds, compared to most, so the individual consumption is relatively low, and the things are full of water.
Hello fellow chicken lovers!

I was wondering what everyone’s opinions are concerning the feeding of mealworms to chickens?

This thread might also possibly help others, find a lot of information/opinions in one place, concerning mealworms.

Do you feed a handful daily? Twice a week? Once a week?

Do you feed mealworms or soldier fly larvae?

Do you raise your own mealworms?

Do you feed live or dried mealworms?

Thanks to everyone who participates and adds their opinion!

Have a great week 🐓
Maybe occasionally, but mealworms are a treat and should be treated as such. No more than 1/10 of their daily diet, and that’s if mealworms is the only other thing besides real food they have access to. We’ve found they go just as crazy for mealworms as they do for a handful of normal old food out of the feeder. Cheaper and doesn’t take any effort.
Hi. I was told by my vet, and also confirmed that it's basically okay with mealworms with chickens, but for some reason, not pheasants because mealworms, when living anyway, bite the inside of their crop. They are sensitive in some way more than chickens (?)!? I am on the fence as to whether live mealworms have the same nutrition as dehydrated ones, though. A vet is best to say what. But I've bought live mealworms for my hens and they loved them. I breed crickets for them as well. Waxworms as a treat is best for pheasants. Other less mean worms/grubs. I stay away from earthworms, though. I'm just not sure about the bacterial gut balance they have.
Mine get dried mealworms or dried BSFL every once in a while, it's not something I buy routinely any more as they're expensive. I mostly get mealworms when we have chicks as I find them easy to use as a training aid (they easily crumble into tiny bits which I can hand feed them). BSFL are just too gross looking to touch so that kinda ruined them for me, haha.
Hello fellow chicken lovers!

I was wondering what everyone’s opinions are concerning the feeding of mealworms to chickens?

This thread might also possibly help others, find a lot of information/opinions in one place, concerning mealworms.

Do you feed a handful daily? Twice a week? Once a week?

Do you feed mealworms or soldier fly larvae?

Do you raise your own mealworms?

Do you feed live or dried mealworms?

Thanks to everyone who participates and adds their opinion!

Have a great week 🐓
I toss them 1 cup of BSL every other morning when I let them out in their yard. That ends up roughly 1TBL/bird. They get a helpful amount of protein and calcium from them. They go bonkers over them too. On the off days, they get fermented grains, I just started fermenting last week. It's the only way I can get them to eat the peas in the feed. I think next batch of food I mix, I will cut back or leave off the peas. They waste so much of it. I like the protein insurance I get from feeding the BSL. since they don't like their peas!!

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