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UMG wont allow me :barnie
What is the UMG on YouTube?
That means that UMG could take down videos that did not infringe on UMG copyrights. ... By giving UMG the ability to take down videos that use their content regardless of fair use, YouTube has given UMG sweeping power to control what is – and is not – said about UMG and UMG artists.Jun 27, 2014
UMG wont allow me :barnie
What is the UMG on YouTube?
That means that UMG could take down videos that did not infringe on UMG copyrights. ... By giving UMG the ability to take down videos that use their content regardless of fair use, YouTube has given UMG sweeping power to control what is – and is not – said about UMG and UMG artists.Jun 27, 2014
This is happening too much. I think it's the user not allowing third party sharing. It's very rare I can't see your videos.

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