What do you do for a living?

Very excellent choice. Demand is high for that and pay is good. I work for a major helo finishing company..... think "trick my truck" on a multimillion dollar scale. good luck in your schooling.
I'm a brewer and my fiancé is a designer... And yes the chickens do drink my beer haha

Here's my brewery...

I work at a trout hatchery. It's not the highest paying job, but it's fun, fulfilling, something new most days, and best of all it's an outside job.
This seems to be an old thread but I will chime in anyway. I'm a Police Officer here in NC.
I'm a registered nurse working in dialysis. My DH is semi-retired..has a part time job transporting. Chickerdoodle13, I wish I had pursued a vet career or working with animals. I have worked in a hospital and dialysis clinic and people can be really hard to work with. Animals would be much easier and much more gratifying. I love me animals!
My DH is starting dialysis soon. He was down to 17% kidney function on his last test but is lower now. We are waiting on SSI to kick in, at least we hope it will!

I work with disadvantaged and underserved populations to help them obtain and maintain employment. Basically I'm an assistant instructor/Case Manager in a job training skills program.
My husband is just getting started in home brewing! Nice to meet someone with the same passion.

Yeah beer is a huge part of my life now...

Let me know if you have any technical questions - I have been a commercial brewer for a while now from tiny breweries up to nationals!
I work in natural gas, and my lovely bride home schools our 4 children. We are new to chickens but my oldest daughter and I are really enjoying it.

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