What do you do for a living?

I no longer work outside of the home.. I am full time Mom & Loving it ! I am home schooling our youngest son. I have home schooled all 5 of our kids. Did the Biz world thing and now we have 7 baby chicks about 4 wks old. My job at this time is an Academic Coordinator . I can work from home. I work with Host Families & High School age Exchange Students. I LOVE IT. We have been blessed to visit our host daughter in Spain and we hope to visit another one this summer in Germany !
Process Technician at a petrochemical production facility.

fancy smancy term for a boiler operator.

Wife is retired and returned to school to get her degree.

Chickens, RIR, BRs, Black Copper Marans. I'm currently spending alot of brain power trying to figure out how to get the chickens to pay for themselves, any way you cut it, it's almost impossible. Starting to shift to rare and fancy, because the Black sexlink operation failed miserably.

Horses, dogs and cats.

3 years, 358 days from retirement, not counting leap year, but who's keeping score!.
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3 years, 358 days from retirement, not counting leap year, but who's keeping score!.

So does that mean you just had a birthday?
If so then Happy Brlated Birthday to ya!!!!

Also check out this website you might find it of interest.
You'll want to see the chicken tractor on steroids video.

It will ask for an email address but don't worry you won't get spam mail. Or a bunch of buy me stuff.
So does that mean you just had a birthday?
If so then Happy Brlated Birthday to ya!!!!

Also check out this website you might find it of interest.
You'll want to see the chicken tractor on steroids video.

It will ask for an email address but don't worry you won't get spam mail. Or a bunch of buy me stuff.

Yep! I had a birthday.

Thank you, very much!
Well at 41 years old I just restarted my career. I'm in Emergency Management as an Air Reserve Technician with the Air Force only now I'm a GS (but only a little one) instead of a contractor. 9 months ago my wife and I were blessed with our first child and we decided that she'd be a stay at home mother for as long as she wants. (I'll tell you that I think I've got the better end of the deal by working in an office all day, stay at home moms are super tough and more organized than anything on the planet).

I'm also an Air Force Reservist so one weekend a month I do exactly what I do during the week. I've got 12 years military already and that all counts towards retirement as well. The year that my daughter graduates high school and heads off to college I'll be retiring with 20 years as a civil servant and 30 accumulated years military.

Sometime in the next couple of years I'm giving my wife my GI bill so she can finish her degree as a nutritionist so that once Olivia is in school full time she can go back to work if she wants to.
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Well at 41 years old I just restarted my career. I'm in Emergency Management as an Air Reserve Technician with the Air Force only now I'm a GS (but only a little one) instead of a contractor. 9 months ago my wife and I were blessed with our first child and we decided that she'd be a stay at home mother for as long as she wants. (I'll tell you that I think I've got the better end of the deal by working in an office all day, stay at home moms are super tough and more organized than anything on the planet).

I'm also an Air Force Reservist so one weekend a month I do exactly what I do during the week. I've got 12 years military already and that all counts towards retirement as well. The year that my daughter graduates high school and heads off to college I'll be retiring with 20 years as a civil servant and  30 accumulated years military.

Sometime in the next couple of years I'm giving my wife my GI bill so she can finish her degree as a nutritionist so that once Olivia is in school full time she can go back to work if she wants to.

First off: Thank You for your service to our country!
Second: Thank you for noticing that the title of "mom" is indeed a job title.
And Third: it seems that Miss Olivia has some wonderful parents.
I am a CAD designer and my husband is an engineer, we make compressors for the oil and gas industry. We work together kind of, different departments, but he sits about 20 feet from me...

We have 4 kids, 15, 13, 10, and 8, 3 dogs, a cat, fish, 15 chickens (BLRW, BA, BO and silkies) plus some meaties, and 2 ducks.

I am also a full time chauffer after my 45-50 hours a week.. I drive to hockey games/tournaments, cheerleading, soccer, baseball, softball, drum lessons and guitar lessons and cub scouts and boy scout functions....
Couple years in a bakery, washing pots & pans during high school. Pumped gas for a little while & worked in a stockroom filling orders for a shorter time yet. 20 years in USAF as an aircraft mechanic working on the KC-135 & B-52. 16 years doing air conditioning installation. While I never had a job that I absolutely detested, I would have quit all asap had I been fortunate enough to the lottery. Currently permanently RETIRED!

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