What is this?

We were using a slicker brush and a double sided brush with bristles and another side that looks like a regular hair brush. Then a undercoat rake. The slicker brush is broke so we can't use that anymore. And the undercoat rake seems to work but i dont like it i feel like it pulls hair out. So we are buying a different one.
Do you have pictures of the undercoat rake?
Not all slicker brushes are created equal- a higher quality one makes a huge difference. I got mine at a dog show so don't know what brand it is, unfortunately
Hi, my 8 month old golden retriever just had this red bumb pop up by her ear wondering if anyone knows what it is. We are calling the vet today once they open but the dont open for another 3 hours. She has been itching it. And we havent seen a tick on her we chrck everyday.View attachment 3134541
No we were told to send the vet a email. They were booked out. Hopefully they get back to use. Now there is a brownish blackish spot on it.
Could it be a bot fly larva that has burrows into the skin? Put some unmedicated Vaseline on it where the black spot is, if it is the larva will come out to get oxygen to breath within 5 minutes. Just try to keep your dog from rubbing it off to give it a chance to work. I had this happen on my Rottweiler. When it poked its head out I had tweezers in hand and gentle pulled it out. Cleaned it off and applied neosporin .
It could be a cyst or it spot too. My suggestion is harmless while you wait for a call back from vet.
We will send a updated pic. It is dry she has been itching it alot.
Any response from vet yet?
Is there a lump or a bump under the black spot? If there is I would try the Vaseline. Can you have someone take a pic while you gently squeeze under it to see if there is a lump under it? I’m not a vet but I was a hospice nurse for many years. But I’m not a vet or doctor.
Could it possibly be histiocytoma? It also is harder not soft. And if we give her benedryl and it isnt a hot spot or a bite or sting it isnt going to hurt her right. We would e in contact with a family member who knows alot about this stuff but she is going through alot right now.
I suppose it could be, but I doubt it. I was thinking spider bite. In any case, benadryl is generally considered safe for dogs. Our vet told us to keep it on hand for our golden mix after she broke out in a rash over her whole body during a camping trip. We never did figure out what she was allergic to 🤷‍♀️
Any response from vet yet?
Is there a lump or a bump under the black spot? If there is I would try the Vaseline. Can you have someone take a pic while you gently squeeze under it to see if there is a lump under it? I’m not a vet but I was a hospice nurse for many years. But I’m not a vet or doctor.
No response. I can try tommarow or later tonight.
Any response from vet yet?
Is there a lump or a bump under the black spot? If there is I would try the Vaseline. Can you have someone take a pic while you gently squeeze under it to see if there is a lump under it? I’m not a vet but I was a hospice nurse for many years. But I’m not a vet or doctor.
There is a red bump and it almost looks like she itched it enough it started bleeding and then it covered back up. Hopefully the vet will respond to us tomorrow.
Have you had this vet very long? I would think they would of gave you a reply by now instead of leaving you sitting n worrying. Something that starts out minor could turn a little worse if not treated.
Has it changed, like has it gotten a head on it since last night? Keep us up dated on the poor furbaby. Did you try some Vaseline for five minutes to see if it’s a bot fly lava?
Have you had this vet very long? I would think they would of gave you a reply by now instead of leaving you sitting n worrying. Something that starts out minor could turn a little worse if not treated.
Has it changed, like has it gotten a head on it since last night? Keep us up dated on the poor furbaby. Did you try some Vaseline for five minutes to see if it’s a bot fly lava?
No i didnt try vaseline maybe i should. It kinda looks infected i can try to get a pic tomorrow. We have had this vet for 5 years since our first dog.
I did try the vaseline and the red bump seemed to get redder. But nothing came out.

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