What kind of dog do you have?

German Shorthair Pointer...He is hands down, the best dog we have ever owned. Fantastic with all our birds, other livestock, and our kids.
Rhodesian ridgebacks are absolutely amazing dogs. We've had two of them. Unbelievably great with kids, especially, and one of our's liked to 'mother' the chicks.

Right now we have a year old Golden Retriever, Jack. He's loads of fun, and is fine with the birds. Such a sweetheart!
We have boxers and they are the best I personally have ever come across (believe me I have delt with many varieties). They have a wonderful personality and are terrific guard dogs. My husband even swears that they understand english
They are wonderful with the kids and have no problems with them and my chickens... even had to train my 10 yr old momma when the chickens arrived and she has been awesom... hmmm... you can teach old dogs new tricks.

Good Luck and sorry for your husky... I love them too.

Poms are the best lap dogs to own, ours is named Precious and shes worthless . If some one was to break in my house she would first show them where all the valuables where then lick them to death, but she is my heart
I have always had big dogs, mutts and except for a big black lab that was awsome. Had to put him and my other one down two years ago, I am choking just thinking of it. I decided that I would try a small dog this time around. Ended up with a 6 month old Chihuahua off of craigslist for free and I love her to death. She actually has made a good little farm dog except she does not like the rain,,,lol
Then I got a dog my daughter has wanted since she was a little girl. A Pug from Pug Rescue. She is a handful but my daughter loves her. It is like having two toddlers. I find the little ones are easier to care for in the respect that they do not need as much exercise and are content in the house. They fit into my way to busy life well. Ohhh, and they play with the chickens!
We have a Border Collie / Springer Spaniel mix.

Mom was a Border, AKC, dad was a springer, AKC, the farms weren't far enough apart to stop love, lol.

He has learned through some VERY strict reprimands to "no touchy chickie babies"

He would follow them like a cat following a mouse, it was bad. He was aggressively trained, reprimanded and retrained. He now gives the chickens an extremely wide berth.

He does, however stay on the property. He is an outside dog, 24/7, and stays put. We still kennel him at night, he's no match for the coyotes around here. He only barks when something is prowling around.

He is a HORRIBLE jumper. And chewer. But he is only 6 months old.
Rottwielers are great pets. We have one, 4-years-old, named Hannah. They're very loyal and loving, despite their reputation. They get along great with kids and other animals. Hannah used to get chased by my cat who died last October, Lucky!

We also have a shciperkee. They are very fun, VERY active dogs. Only over a foot at standing hieght, they're just as protective as rottys.

I hope you find a good puppy!

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