What kind of dog do you have?

Ummmm YESSSS! :eek:
have 5 dogs, a visiting female and her litter of puppies, the temps are in the upper 90's, I have training classes 2 nights a week.... and I just cant motivate myself to train at home anymore!

But I always have time for the birds...
.. why is that, I wonder?

Oooh, I soooo get that.

Basil finished his CDX 6 months ago, and have I done ANY training for Utility yet? No. I had all these grand plans that have gone nowhere. Stuart even has a rally trial on Friday and I haven't done a thing with him since April. Ugh. I'm so glad it's not only me! And to think I'm going to add a litter to this mess in a few months...

We have three dogs -
Molly, a lab-x who used to break into the chicken run to steal the scraps I threw out for the chickens. Never touched a chicken, just ate the scraps then laid down to wait for me to come let her out.
Big Red Dog, a golden ret/newfie mix who, when the chickens got out after Molly's break ins, thought the chickies made such wonderful play toys - too bad they didn't play longer:( Not allowed anywhere near the new chickies!
Casey, a beagle, who spent hours laying in our bathroom watching the chickie-babies (we used one of our tubs as a brooder) and now wanders around with them and never touches them. She did try to steal some of their food once, but Cocky-Locky quickly put her in her place.
Casey is, by far, my favorite. Sweet-natured; somewhat obiedient; playful when you want her to be, but happy to lay by your side while you post to BYC; easy to keep clean (and doesn't shed copiously); small enough to easily take with me, but large enough that I'm not worried about her being easily hurt by my twin 3-year-old nephews (whom she adores - not really sure if it's them or the food they are contantly carrying around) and gets along with all the other animals (numerous cats, rabbits, rats, chickens and horses). I personally think Beagles are the perfect dog, but then, I am biased.
Truthfully, I don't think it's so much the breed of dog as the personality. Some dogs will get along/ignore the chickens from the start, some can be trained to ignore them, and some just can't help themselves. While my lab never touched our chickens, my friend's lab ate every one of hers, no matter what she tried.
Carole AM, my thoughts are with you during this difficult time with your beloved dog. It is so hard knowing they are going and not being able to do anything. Enjoy the time you have left together.

1. chiweenie named Beanie. He tears stuff up.
1. Black Lab named Molly very smart and easily trained.
1. German/Australian Shepard Stubborn headed.

All 3 are excellent gaurd dogs!
I have 2 akitas - they get along with my indoor cat but if a cat (or other animal) should come into our yard, they'll destroy it or try to (they almost got a groundhog and a cat at our house, they got a cat at my dad's house). But they have never gone after any of my indoor cats. They are big couch potatoes.
We have always had hunting dogs. Even before Hubby and I moved in together we each had our own hunting dogs. I beagles and him coon hounds. Now we have both
Our 4 year old son now has a weiner dog too. Basicly they are in ages from the weiner dog which is just a year old to our oldest is 10 and full of cancer.

I like hound dogs cause they are so darn laid back.
We have a west highland white terrier named Piper. He is 2 1/2 and I would not trust him for a minute with the chicks. He loves to run around the chicken run and bark. I don't think he would hurt them intentionally but would play too rough. So they are inside when he is out. We love him but he can be very stubborn. Wish I had spent more time training him to mind me. Any pointers from you dog trainers on how to teach basic commands. He will sit most of the time. But that is about it. He will come to my DH if he calls him, but I have to get really stern with him and then he will usually come. He loves to bolt out the door when the kids are going out, pushes right past them. He is a sweetie though and has never had a moment of anger or aggression to anyone or anything. He does bark if he sees someone outside or something like another animal (deer or dog or whatever). But I guess he is part of the family, bad habits and all.

We have 2 West Highland Terriers...Brutus 5yrs, Bailey 4yrs and Littlebit our 13 yr old Cockapoo. I don't trust the westies around the chickens, Brutus chased and killed a 4 week old pullet last year. They also hate cats. They are great little dogs apart from that but I wouldn't recommend them around chickens. Our cockapoo is a King Charles spaniel x Poodle.

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