What treat did your chickies get today?

Black Oil Sunflower seeds
Do they need to be baked/sprouted/or can they be right out of the bag.
How do u guys sprout your BOSS during the winter? Is it just the black sunflower seeds that is bird food bags and u grow it? Do u cut the sprouts and does it grow back?
I use a canning jar with a circle of plastic needle point canvas under the threaded ring. Put about 3" of seeds in the jar, add water and soak them for at least 4 hours. Drain them and rinse at least 2 x / day. It takes about 3 days for them to grow. I try to feed them when the root is about as long as the seed. You can do a mix of BOSS, wheat, barley, and lentils. The wheat and barley must be whole grains (not pearl barley) I buy the grains and lentils at the health food store.
I gave my birds a homemade flock block i made for the first time! they loved it thought it would last if i hung it up but it didn't even last an hour. Oh well i had a lot of fun making it and watching them eat it.

I really want to do this! Yours look great! What did you use?

It was my first time and i am surprised it came out as well as it did.
i didn't measure anything really i just threw it together lol

i used:
some sweet feed (from my horses)
layer crumbles
wild bird seed
a banana cut up in small pieces
some cranberries
3 eggs scrambled up
and a small amount of honey

i mixed the dry ingredients then i mixed in the eggs and honey until everything was coated. then i pressed it down into a pan that was sprayed with PAM so it could be removed easily. I then baked it for 30 minutes on 350. Then i let it cool completely before i got it out of the pan and gave it to them.

My house smelled really good i was about to eat it lol.
It was my first time and i am surprised it came out as well as it did.
i didn't measure anything really i just threw it together lol

i used:
some sweet feed (from my horses)
layer crumbles
wild bird seed
a banana cut up in small pieces
some cranberries
3 eggs scrambled up
and a small amount of honey

i mixed the dry ingredients then i mixed in the eggs and honey until everything was coated. then i pressed it down into a pan that was sprayed with PAM so it could be removed easily. I then baked it for 30 minutes on 350.  Then i let it cool completely before i got it out of the pan and gave it to them.

My house smelled really good i was about to eat it lol. :p

Well good job! I think I'll try this weekend. Guess I better go into town and get some more goodies to stick in there. Lol
I cooked my girls some oatmeal (they LOVE oatmeal), with a little cayenne pepper and some cabbage and a little cracked corn. They love the cabbage, too. It was the first time for the cayenne pepper, but they seemed to like it. The cracked corn they bury in the dirt, then dig it back up. I think they just like to play with it. Whatever keeps them happy. :)

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