What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine got leftover rolls, a chicken neck and some fresh pineapple that was accidentally dropped inthe floor. I added some water and heated the whole mess inthe microwave.
I shared my oatmeal with mine but added the cayenne/raisins/cherry tomatoes getting ready to go bad.... took a gallon of warm water put there. Surprised that their's only had a little ice on the top so I broke it up and added the warm water. The nipples were working just great.
Do any of you all who use the nipples watering ever have problem with them freezing up? I just wondered about them.
How do u guys sprout your BOSS during the winter? Is it just the black sunflower seeds that is bird food bags and u grow it? Do u cut the sprouts and does it grow back
I buy 50lb bags of sunflower seeds to feed the wild birds and I take a cup of that and put it in a quart canning jar with a nylon sock over jar, fill 1/2 way with water and soak for 24hrs. Drain leave seeds in jar. I rinse and drain twice a day to keep seeds moist. I feed it to chickens after 4 or 5 days. I also do the wheat the same way.
? fridge clean out day. any of these ok? sour cream, guacamole dip, spinach dip, pineapple or kfc.
I wouldn't do anything citrus, it will slow or stop egg production. I give mine rabbit pellets mixed with laying pellets in winter so that they still get their greens and also sweet feed mixed with cracked corn. My hens are still laying like crazy!
Sprouted BOSS again! They think I am a very good mommy! lol

Also, I sprout my BOSS in a tupperware container, soak for 24 hours, drain, and just keep the lid on tight. They've been growing great because the moisture stays in and sometimes I put the container on the heater vent for a few minutes to heat it up 'cause I keep my house on the chilly side.

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