What treat did your chickies get today?

I sprouted some wheat for them- amazingly easy! They clucked to me about it quite a bit and weren' t sure what to make of it. I' ll go back out later and see what their final consensus was!
Big juicy worms from the yard, raisins, toast crumbs from brake fast, sunflower seeds, chicken feed cantelope slices to munch on. They were delighted! Josefina started clucking when she tasted her food as if to say; "What a feast!" LOL The most treats that they have had in a loooooong time!
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Hubby and I are both under the weather...this am I was running a fever which I never do! Took some meds and do feel better..at least I don't feel like the flu was creeping in.!!! I will probably give them some BOSS and maybe some crackcorn!. Fixing some chicken soup right now....no....none of my girls. LOL
got a bunch of snow here today. gave them some scratch - a mixture of cracked corn BOSS, oatmeal and oats. They leave the oats behind any thoughts on that?
Gosh, I'm glad I put the outdoor run tarps up, it snowed a bunch again last night! And those tarps at least give them a dry 10x10 area to romp in, plus under the coops (where they lay eggs, doncha know), plus the 3 straw bales I put in there which they LOVE jumping up and down and around.

I gave them a warm chicken feed/oatmeal mash (they always go for it right away, but no matter how little I make, it's always too much for the 5 of them); I strew some scratch, mealworms, oyster shell, grit, and chicken food all around the straw floor...that sure seems to keep them busy all day.

I'll go out and warm up the mash with some hot water, if I do that, they seem reinterested for a few seconds.....

I just moved my feeder out in to the run from the coop. I think they're eating more. Their feeder was inside their previous coop so that's what I tried to duplicate, but I noticed the level sure wasn't going down much....then I moved it out to the outdoor run and it's dropped at least an inch since I moved it early yesterday! Out of sight out of mind I guess.

I also moved the water outside. Since (because of sage advice obtained at BYC) I've been bringing in the water at night, I decided to put it in the run, too, rather than the coop. I think they're drinking more. PLUS all that warm water on the mash all day that I refresh every few hours (going out frequently, interacting with the ladies and hoping to find the one daily egg). I also pour some hot water into their bucket to keep the ice skim from forming.

Their food before was Layena and I'm now feeding an organic feed I found at Murdoch's. I think it has no soy.

I was worried they didn't like it tho' it's what I fed when I was taking care of the neighbor's coop where they were housed until last Thursday, but I think it was just the location...they weren't traveling into the coop to eat.

I could just talk about chickens all day long.

I need to get a life.

Marcia in Colorado
Where the temperature is TOO DARN LOW!
mealworms and BOSS so far... but they had 4 eggs sitting there waiting for me! I came back in for a hot bowl of chicken/rice.....I'm still not feeling good but better...
I'm chilled even though its a little warmer than yesterday..I think.! Crushed up some chicken calcium......
Over the weekend they got to try wheat fodder for the first time, which was a HUGE success, and now I have to figure out how to get a good cycle of that going. Yesterday they got their first raisins, and rewarded me today with 6/6 eggs, another first! I sure do have some spoiled, happy chickens!

Just about everyone I know thinks I'm crazy

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