What treat did your chickies get today?


Leftovers from my kids lunch in the school cafeteria. You could feed a third world country with the amount they throw away
I gave them two hard cobs of corn and they were afraid. Lol. They just stretched out their necks to look making that scared cluck sound. I thought it would give them something to do as they are picking out each others feathers! !
I gave them two hard cobs of corn and they were afraid. Lol. They just stretched out their necks to look making that scared cluck sound. I thought it would give them something to do as they are picking out each others feathers! !
Mine do that when I put something new in the run.....you would think it was a bomb, getting ready to explode.
AND....they sure fuss about it!!!
Over the weekend they got to try wheat fodder for the first time, which was a HUGE success, and now I have to figure out how to get a good cycle of that going. Yesterday they got their first raisins, and rewarded me today with 6/6 eggs, another first! I sure do have some spoiled, happy chickens!

Just about everyone I know thinks I'm crazy
Jeronica, I think everyone on here spoils their ladies....so you are in good company.. Raisins are the favorite for my 4 girls ! They like those more than the cracked corn! I don't give them a lot because I want it to remain a "real treat"!!! I love to spoil mine!!

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