What treat did your chickies get today?

My girls (and boy) Got scrambled eggs today. need to boost up their protein intake and this was the easy way top do it. The dogs are getting scrambled eggs for breakfast so the chickens (and ducks) get the left over. Boy, did they enjoy it! We usually dont give treats but I think we will have to start,now!
yesterday was first time I gave the chickens treats besides the occasional corn. I gave them left over scrambled eggs from the dogs breakfast in the mornings, then a mix of meal worms and corn in the evening. As soon as I left them out today our rooster who has been aggressive has become totally docile and sweet begging for treats! Just like men, food is the key to their hearts ;) ALL the chickens were following me around making the purring noise (at least thats what i call it) while I collected eggs. the rooster was in the coop with me, which is usually disaster. But he was completely calm so I let him in there with me. I am ecstatic! Now we don't have to get rid of him, He's an SS and beautiful! I dont have a current full body shot of him, I have a current close up then a full body of him last summer. He has almost doubled in size since the body pictures were taken. I gave them a mix of mealworms./corn and will be giving them left over scrambled ggs if we have any :)



And all those yummy bugs that go along with them...:D
Corn mixed with mealworms. They also got scrambled eggs, crickets and stole a few feeder goldfish from the ducks. Today was first time our girls ate from my hand also. Our leghorns were the first to do it, which also are our more timid birds. Today was a good day :)
The other day we mixed up some plain yogurt, scratch, rabbit pellets, lay pellets, hi-protein crumble, cayenne pepper, and mixed berries. Stirred it all up and froze it in little loaf pans. Since it should get close to 100 today, I gave them a couple of loaves.... WOW, did they go crazy over it. Barely made it out unscathed...

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