What treat did your chickies get today?

My girls got persimmons, cherry tomatoes, and sunflower seeds. Their tractor coop is under the persimmon tree, which is dropping fruit constantly through the day.
Todays treats where watermelon rhine, tomatoes, and a few strawberries. They are
happy hens..
Tonight's "time to come in" feast (their reward for returning to the run when called at the end of their brief weeknight ranging time, lol) will feature leftover salmon patties, some boiled egg, and a little bit of chopped watermelon the kids have neglected to finish off.
Question - neighbor has grown some monster sunflowers this year near their house. As DS was dropping off a carton of eggs to them last night they mentioned they'd like to give them to our girls when they chop them down in the next few days. Would you throw the stalk/flower into the run "fresh" or dry it first?
Well I wanted to see what the big deal about meal worms as a treat to the girls.. So I gave them a small container of them yesterday and OH MY GOD they went bonkers for them

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