What treat did your chickies get today?

My chickies had a half a can of corn with their breakfast. Now they are happily pecking away on a half of a honeydew melow

GREAT IDEA...I'm picking up a can of corn on my way home tonight...
I was amazed to see these little chicks cleaned out the honey dew. The local grocery store has a place where marked down veggies are sold and i raid it a couple if times.a.week
after preparing cabbage for dinner, I had some nice left over outside leaves and the core left over. As the chickies had already eaten, I bagged it for their breakfast snack. The girls are starving in the mornings, but I need my coffee before attacking the cleaning of the brooder pen. I tossed the cabbage trimmings in to settle the girls down. By the time I had my coffee, the cabbage was eaten. Then I cleaned up and gave them their morning grain. In a while I will go gather some clover and throw in a small box of raisins. Between the cold and the rain it is taking a bit longer to finish the coop. Will be so HAPPY when it is done. My chicks need more room!

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