What treat did your chickies get today?

I think I may try watermelon this afternoon . Alot of posts on here about how their flocks love it! Cold treat on a warm day

Sounds great. Hope it goes down like a bomb. Winter here so mine will get something warm perhaps.
When I was first introducing my chicks to new foods, I would take something that they loved (flaxseeds or sesame seeds) and sprinkle it over the new thing. That would get someone to peck at it and once one did...well, monkey see monkey do...

I did intro them to a new food daily while in the brooder to avoid pickiness though. Knew they'd be free-ranging for (hopefully) a significant portion of their feed, plus I planted a section of garden just to feed them from. Gotta knock the feed bill down when feeding a large flock!
My girls all got fresh garden cabbage and mealworms! I never saw them go so wild as they did over cabbage!! Mealworms yes, but cabbage?? Wow they tore it up!

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