What treat did your chickies get today?

Wild Alaska blueberries...full of worms. We have tons of berries here but the early ripening species tends to be full of worms. So I usually just wait to pick until later in the fall. Now that I have chickens though I though I'd do some early season picking for them (they've already picked the bushes in the yard clean themselves). The chickens go crazy for them and the worms are a nice bonus for the chickens. :)
Wild Alaska blueberries...full of worms. We have tons of berries here but the early ripening species tends to be full of worms. So I usually just wait to pick until later in the fall. Now that I have chickens though I though I'd do some early season picking for them (they've already picked the bushes in the yard clean themselves). The chickens go crazy for them and the worms are a nice bonus for the chickens. :)

Oh, yes. The refined tastes of biddies. Everything tastes better if it is infused with worms, and thoroughly stomped on and scratched upon. B^)
So, I had promised them a special treat if we got more than two eggs in one day - and today a third girl started laying, so it was time to pay up. They got a lovely dish of scrambled eggs with some chopped up left over pork chop on top of that and zucchini slices. DD was in the kitchen as I was putting it all together to take out and she took the zucchini and arranged it to look like a smiley face on top of the eggs and pork --- I passed by DH on the way out the door and his reaction was, "Are you kidding me? Darn chickens eat better than anyone else around here!" -- he says that like there is something wrong with that????
Their first people food treat. Leftover oriental fried rice with home made KFC chicken. Well the bones.

They loved the rice and most of the veggies. Had to warm up to the mung bean sprouts. Loved the breading from the chicken but took a couple hours to figure out the bones.
I gave mine sum bread ,what's the thought of feeding them bread? heard it was bad for duck's just wondering if its bad for chickens .
I gave mine sum bread ,what's the thought of feeding them bread? heard it was bad for duck's just wondering if its bad for chickens .

I believe the bread is bad for ducks thing is about ducks in parks. The get NOTHING except white bread and its not too nutritious.

The same for chickens, as a occasional treat it would be ok. But not as the main course.

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