What treat did your chickies get today?

They are really easy... just look how to take care of them on the internet. I don't raise them because they go so fast in my flock. But make sre they don't turn into beetles. Mine did once! (Or beetles got into their cage)

I make sure i have a lot of beetles so i don't have to buy more meal worms. The chickens will eat the beetles just as quick as they eat the worms. In fact they will eat any life stage and the dried up dead ones too.

I am trying to increase the numbers in my worm farm and have saved out a lot of the biggest mealworms to pupate. Took this photo of the drawer i put the worms into. As you can see they are pupating nicely.

I don't usually go to so much trouble as separating the pupa from the worms and beetles. I just wanted a known amount of worms set aside for pupating. If i end up with too many beetles i will just feed the extra to the chickens. They will be happy to have them.
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My babies for frozen veggies, and ice. It was 103 today with the heat index so 3 times a day they get ice and allot of water. they enjoyed it!! And I love making them happy!!
My neighbor brought over popcorn today for the chickens and hung out for a while. She said she researched it and it's on the safe list. Well, they went crazy for it. I had no idea.
I put her son to work helping fill the feeders.
After all, one of those chickens is his. Her name is Texas.
Thank you for the information, rethinking the whole meal worms/beetle situation. Going to check out the supply at the feed store

I really enjoy my chickens. We have 7 or 8 Black Astrolorpes and 30ish Cinnamon Queens.
Have a great weekend! Happy Hens.
Thank you for the information....rethinking the whole meal worm/beetle growing..Scrimish
Going to make trip to the feed store and check them out. I have Black Astrolorpes and Cinnamon Queens.
I'm so glad I found this web site have read and learned so much...Thanks again have a great weekend.
Happy Hens

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