What treat did your chickies get today?

Oatmeal with walnuts, and some yogurt mixed in. In the afternoon a suet feeder with apple, grapes, lettuce, cucumber. Poor girls. It's been a torrential downpour here for days now, and windy to boot. They haven't gotten much free range time. They are terrified of the wind. As soon as it blows harder than 10 mph, they head for the coop.
My chicks love black sunflower seeds in the morning and corn at night. They're also still working on a pumpkin from Thanksgiving. They haven't figured out the meal worm treat yet, which is really funny. I've had chickens before that LOVE meal worms, but not these girls.
I have seen lots of people mention "chickens can eat whatever we eat" .. I am grateful that the reverse is not the same .. I do not want to be eating some of the stuff chickens eat

LuLu scored herself a lizard .. apparently it was yummy! I will take her word for that

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